output, relay type, and the current control mode setting.
Touch the Edit icon to view or change the settings related to the relay.
On Switch
Select the digital input or output that will trigger the relay to activate.
Activate On
Select the state of the digital input or output that will trigger the relay to activate.
On Delay Time
Enter the delay time for relay activation in hours:minutes:seconds. Set the time to
00:00:00 to immediately activate the relay.
Off Switch
Select the digital input or output that will trigger the relay to de-activate.
Activate Off
Select the state of the digital input or output that will trigger the relay to deactivate.
Off Delay Time
Enter the delay time for relay deactivation in hours:minutes:seconds. Set the time to
00:00:00 to immediately deactivate the relay.
Daily Max Time
Enter the maximum amount of accumulated on-time, in Hand or Auto modes, that the
relay can have between midnight and midnight the next day. If the time is exceeded, the
relay will deactivate, and a Daily Max Timeout alarm will be triggered. The alarm will
clear, and relay allowed to reactivate at midnight the next day.
If the relay was in Hand mode when the alarm was triggered, it will revert to whichever
HOA state it was in prior to being set to Hand.
To override the Daily Max Limit for the rest of the day, press Reset Output
Relay or Control Outputs, Boolean Logic Control Mode
In Boolean Logic control mode, the output is activated based on the state of two inputs, using AND, OR, or Inverse
operators. The inputs to the algorithm can be the state of relay or virtual outputs, as well as the state of digital or
remote Modbus digital inputs. If more than two state inputs are necessary, a virtual Boolean output can be used as
an input to another Boolean control relay.
Output Details
The details for this type of output include the relay on/off state, HOA mode Interlock or delay status, current cycle
on time, time on over the past 24 hours, the total accumulated on-time since the last reset, alarms related to this
output, relay type, and the current control mode setting.
Touch the Edit icon to view or change the settings related to the relay.
Select the operation to use to activate the relay. Choices are Input 1 AND Input 2,
Input 1 OR Input 2, and Inverse Input.
Input 1
Select the digital input or output that will be used as Input 1 in the Operation used
to trigger the relay to activate.
Select the state of the digital input (open or closed) or output (on or off) that will
be used as Input 1 in the Operation used to trigger the relay to activate.
Input 2
Not available for Inverse Operation. Select the digital input or output that will be
used as Input 2 in the Operation used to trigger the relay to activate.
Not available for Inverse Operation. Select the state of the digital input
(open or closed) or output (on or off) that will be used as Input 2 in the Operation
used to trigger the relay to activate.
On Delay Time
Enter the delay time for relay activation in hours:minutes:seconds. Set the time to
00:00:00 to immediately activate the relay.