version 01
If any of the following occurrences show up during training, the session should be stopped immediately
in order to avoid overloading the human organism:
shortness of breath, feeling of anxiety
Angina pectoris (seizure-like pain in the chest)
circulatory problems
Heart rate drops sharply
Strongly decreasing / rapidly increasing blood pressure
Known electrolyte disorder
Description of the product line
The compass® MTT product line comprises three version of cable columns, the S1 (Explosive) pulley as
a wall model, the S1 (Explosive) pulley as a floor model and the S3 (Vertical) vertical pulley as a wall
The load dosage and /-control for the workout is carried out via a stack or plug-in weights, which is
mounted behind a hard-wearing fabric covering. The standing models can be moved to change the
distance between two cable columns or one cable column and other training equipment by means of
an attached handle at the rear of the equipment and the attached rollers. The wall models can only be
shifted using the optionally available shifting device.
The three compass® MTT cable columns can be used to address a wide variety of muscle groups for the
upper or lower extremities. It is also possible to train the stabilizing trunk muscles at different levels of