Configuration on the Web Console
started. This may mean – depending on the DHCP configuration – the IP
telephone cannot be started.
Notes and Recommendations
You can pre-configure the SIP system telephones, i. e. before the devices
are connected.
If you want to use one or more expansion modules on a SIP system tele-
phone, you should configure these when doing the first-time configuration
in the
Configurator > Telephony > Devices > VoIP phones
menu. This
prevents the need for subsequent configuration changes.
On the Forum 523/524, Forum 525/526 and Forum 550/560 communi-
cations systems, the SIP system telephones will download firmware
updates from a public FTP server. If applicable, you may need to allow
access to this FTP server from your company LAN, in order to obtain the
latest firmware for your SIP system telephones.
On the Forum 5004/5008/5012 communications system, the firmware
for the SIP system telephones is included in the firmware addons. You can
load the current firmware addons in the
Configurator > System >
On the Forum 5500 communications system, the firmware for the SIP
system telephones is included in the system software.
When configuring SIP system telephones, you should check for system
warnings. You can open a list of system warning by clicking the warning
symbol in the top menu bar.