General Functions
Blocked/Unblocked Call Numbers
Your telephone can be blocked from dialling all or selected external numbers.
Emergency numbers can be entered in a special list, irrespective of your trunk
line access rights, and so always be dialled. Consult your system administrator
for details.
Information for the system administrator
Blocked and unblocked call numbers are managed in the
Configurator >
Telephony > Lists
Transmission of Call Numbers
There are different features which allow or prevent the transmission of
(external) call numbers between subscribers.
“CLIP” feature
“CLIP” is an abbreviation for “Calling Line Identification Presentation”. The
caller’s call number (if transmitted) is displayed. If this number is also stored in
your telephone book, the caller’s name is displayed.
“CLIP no screening” feature
Using “CLIP no screening” outgoing connections instead of sending the real
call number of the caller, send another call number. Thus, instead of being
shown your number, the subscriber you have called is shown, for example, a
service call number. The feature “CLIP no screening” must be enabled by the
network provider and activated in the system configuration by the system
administrator. When you receive an external call where the caller indicates a
different number than the one actually being transmitted, your display will
show a “?” next to the call number. If the indicated call number is saved as a
phone book entry, as usual, the name will be shown along with a question
Display of the question mark “?” is the system default. The
system administrator can switch off this default setting in the
web configurator with the
Mark unchecked phone number
with ?
option (
Configurator > Telephony > Settings
“CNIP” feature
“CNIP” is an abbreviation for “Calling Name Identification Presentation”. In
addition to the call number, the name configured by the caller is also
transmitted and displayed. If the caller’s number is listed in the