Protex DigiPaz-309 Programming And Operations Manual Download Page 1

Using the power override wire

If your keypad does not respond, don’t be alarmed. Most likely
the batteries are dead and need replacing.
You will be able to open the safe using the power override wire
as follow:




Two Prongs

1. Take a 9V battery and plug it in the 
     power override wire connector as 
     shown in fig.5

2.  Locate the connector under the
     keypad and plug it in snugly, 
     making sure that the two prongs 
     go into the two tiny holes. See

3.  While the battery is plugged in, go a head 
     and enter your 6 digit code as you normally
     would and open the safe.

4.  Now you can replace the batteries inside
     the safe by referring to the previous page
     in this manual.

Plug the override wire to the keypad with red wire 
to the right.
The override wire is only to be used in an emergency 
when the internal batteries die or very low.
Unplug the override wire after replacing the internal 

feature is used to 
give power to the 
lock from the outside 
of the safe when the 
internal batteries are

The battery override 


LED Interior Light System (Optional)

Adjusting the shelves: 

You may have purchased your safe with an optional LED interior light 
system installed.

The LED interior light will go on for 30 seconds after the safe is opened.
You can toggle the light ON and OFF by pressing the # key during those 30 seconds.

The power for  LED light system is coming from the same batteries that power 
the keypad lock.
Since it’s a very low power consumption light system, it will not drain the batteries 
any faster then it would without the light.
It is best to shut off the light after closing the door by pressing the # key once. 
The blue LED light on the keypad will stay “on” when the interior light is “on”.

The safe model you purchased may include 
adjustable velvet shelves. 
These shelves may be adjusted to various heights,
by changing the position of the lower shelf clip on 
the side rails, see fig.6
You may dispose of the top (90 degree angle) clip
as it is used for shipping purposes only. 

Top clip

(Okay to dispose)

Lower shelf clip,

used to hold the shelf



