Instructions for Use AJ703A Rail Dog® Rail Anchor
This manual is intended to meet industry standards including OSHA and should be used
as part of an employee training program as required by OSHA.
You must read and understand, or have the following instructions explained to you before using this equipment.
Failure to do so could result in injury or death.
This product is to be used as part of a personal fall protection system. It is intended to be used as an
anchorage point for either a shock-absorbing lanyard or self-retracting lifeline for fall arrest, or with a positioning lanyard for
fall restraint. This unit should no be used for material handling or any other use other than that of a fall protection anchorage
The Rail Dog rail anchor is designed to meet the needs of those workers that are either working on a crane rail runway
or railway line that require a compliant means to anchor a personal fall arrest system (PFAS). The Rail Dog allows the
user to quickly and easily affix the anchor unit to a rail and then attach their PFAS. The unit is designed to allow some
horizontal movement along the anchor rail through sliding the Rail Dog, but is not designed to pass rail splice plates.
1.1 Rail Size:
The Rail Dog rail anchor is designed to be used with a wide range of the most popular rail sizes and profiles.
The unit accommodates rail section widths from 2.75 in. to 3.25 in (approximately 85 - 140 lb rail) and 132 lb Head Free
rail. Under no circumstances should the Rail Dog rail anchor be used on rails with section widths or rail weights outside
of this range.
1.2 Rail Slope:
The Rail Dog rail anchor is designed to operate on crane or railway rails with less than 15 degrees of slope.
Should the unit be used on rails with a slope of greater incline, there is the risk of the unit sliding upon impact loading
and creating a dangerous situation for the user.
1.3 Capacity:
The Rail Dog rail anchor is designed to serve as an anchorage point for one user with a combined weight of
310 lbs (user and tools). The units should not be used by workers with a greater combined weight.
1.4 Free Fall:
The PFAS selected for use with the Rail Dog rail anchor must be rigged to limit free fall to 6 ft. or less when
possible, as required by OSHA. See section 3.7
1.5 Swing Fall:
Swing falls occur when the anchorage point is not directly above or below the point where the fall occurs.
The force of striking an object as the result of a swing fall may cause serious injury. Minimize swing falls by working as
close to the anchorage point as possible. Do not permit a swing fall if it could create an injury.
1.6 Fall Clearance:
There must be sufficient clearance below the user to arrest a fall before the user strikes the ground or
lower level hazard. The clearance required is dependent on the following factors:
• Elevation of Rail Dog anchor
• Lanyard length
• Lanyard elongation
• Worker height and weight
• Free fall distance
• Movement of harness attachment
See personal fall arrest system manufacturer’s instruction for more information.
Instructions for the following series products:
Rail Dog Rail Anchor
(See back page for specific model numbers.)