Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO
Redundancy Check
Redundancy Check is a routine maintenance procedure for fault-tolerant
Logical Drives (those with redundancy) that ensures all the data matches
exactly. Unlike Synchronization, Redundancy Check only checks and
reports, it does not correct inconsistencies.
During a Redundancy Check, you will have full access to the Logical Drive.
The time required for Redundancy Check depends on the size of the Logical
Drive. This operation runs in the background and invisible to the user.
The Logical Drive must be Functional in order to run a Redundancy Check.
Correct any problems before proceeding
To perform a Redundancy Check, do the following:
Click on the Logical Drive
Under the Change Logical Drive Settings menu, select Redundancy Check
Logical Drive.
Click OK to confirm and start the Redundancy Check.
PDM on Demand
The PDM feature includes an on-demand option. Use PDM to migrate data from
the suspect drive to a spare disk drive, similar to Rebuilding a Logical Drive.
Unlike Rebuilding a Logical Drive, PDM copies your data to a spare disk drive
before the disk drive fails and your Logical Drive goes Critical.
This operation requires a spare disk drive of equal or greater capacity to the disk
drive being replaced.
To perform a data migration on-demand, do the following: