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Most system management can be done using PROMISE Utility Pro connected directly through the
Thunderbolt™ 3 connection or Private Port. Some more advanced system changes however require using
the WebPAM Insight web-based system management GUI. For example, if you want to change the RAID,
extend or change a Storage Pool, these operations must be done using WebPAM Insight. Keep in mind that
the PegasusPro is shipped ready to use, with the Disk Pool and RAID already configured, most users will
not need to change any of these. Also note that making changes to the RAID or Storage Pool configuration
will erase any data that is stored on the effected disks.
To use the PegasusPro, you first need to install the most up to date hardware drivers and PROMISE
Utility Pro software. Pegasus Utiity Pro allows the system administrator and collaborative users to copy and
transfer files, create private and public folders; this is also where users can enable File Boost to quickly send
or retrieve files between the Private DAS volumes and the Public NAS folders.