About This Product
The Flow Meter DulcoFlow
is intended for the
measurement of pulsating volumetric flows in
metering pumps (recommended)
and a stroke volume of approx. 0.03 ... 10 ml.
The flow meter normally sits on the discharge
side. Clarify with "Technical Support" at head
office whether the flow meter can also be
installed on the suction side in a special case.
All wetted parts are made of PVDF. This
ensures that aggressive media can also be
measured with ease. The device is installed
approximately 30 cm downstream of the pump
in the metering line. Interfering influences, such
as air bubbles, are detected and forwarded to
the analysis unit as an error message. It can
only be used in combination with the delta if the
metering stroke is set to “fast”.
When optionally combined with a metering
pump delta
with control module, the Flow
Meter DulcoFlow
can maintain a constant flow.
The Flow Meter DulcoFlow
can also be used
for monitoring individual metering strokes as
well as recording and measuring volumetric
flows. In this case the device is calibrated to the
stroke volume set at the pump. A lower and
upper limit can be entered, which results in no
feedback to the pump, if exceeded or under‐
shot. This then generates an error message. It
is connected to the pump using the input for the
"Flow Control" metering monitor.
The device is designed for wall mounting.
Measuring capability of feed chemicals
All liquids that conduct ultrasound
waves can be measured.
Any liquids that poorly conduct
ultrasound waves cannot be
measured, such as sodium
hydroxide solution (NaOH) at con‐
centrations above 20%.
First test measuring capability with
emulsions and suspensions.
About This Product