User qualification: trained user, see
Chapter 2.1 ‘User qualification’
Prerequisite for commissioning:
All installation and assembly work has been performed
by qualified personnel.
The system operator has produced system-specific
operating guidelines and has trained the operating per‐
sonnel on the basis of these operating guidelines.
If necessary, the metering system has been checked,
handed over and approved for operation in line with
national standards and regulations.
5.1 Leaks and Emissions
Danger from hazardous substances!
Possible consequence: Fatal or very serious injuries.
Please ensure when handling hazardous substances
that you have read the latest safety data sheets provided
by the manufacture of the hazardous substance. The
actions required are described in the safety data sheet.
Check the safety data sheet regularly and replace, if
necessary, as the hazard potential of a substance can
be re-evaluated at any time based on new findings.
The system operator is responsible for ensuring that
these safety data sheets are available and that they are
kept up to date, as well as for producing an associated
hazard assessment for the workstations affected.
The continuous sound pressure level emitted by the metering system is
max. 70 ±5 dB(A) in accordance with DIN EN ISO 3743-1.
5.2 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Danger from hazardous substances!
Possible consequence: Fatal or very serious injuries.
Please ensure when handling hazardous substances
that you have read the latest safety data sheets provided
by the manufacture of the hazardous substance. The
actions required are described in the safety data sheet.
Check the safety data sheet regularly and replace, if
necessary, as the hazard potential of a substance can
be re-evaluated at any time based on new findings.
The system operator is responsible for ensuring that
these safety data sheets are available and that they are
kept up to date, as well as for producing an associated
hazard assessment for the workstations affected.
Always wear the necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) in
accordance with the material safety data sheet for the feed chemical
and the internal procedural instructions issued by the operator of the
metering system.