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Proair HFA Inhaler
Medicine: Albuterol (al-BYOO-ter-ahl)
What it does
Works quickly to relax your airways and make
breathing easier. The medicine usually lasts 3 to
4 hours. Use when you need fast relief.
Test spray (priming)
Prime inhaler before first use or if not used for
2 weeks or more. Shake the inhaler and spray 3 times
away from face.
How to use this inhaler
1. Wash and dry your hands well.
2. Remove the mouthpiece cover. Check for loose
parts inside the mouthpiece.
3. Sit up straight or stand up.
4. Shake inhaler well before each spray.
5. Fully exhale (breathe out) through mouth. Hold
the inhaler so the mouthpiece is at the bottom
and the canister is sticking straight up.
6. Place the mouthpiece between your lips. Make
sure that your tongue is flat under the mouthpiece
and does not block the opening.
7. Seal your lips around the mouthpiece.
8. Push the canister all the way down as you slowly
take a deep breath through your mouth for
5 seconds.
9. Hold your breath
for 10 seconds. If
you cannot hold
your breath for 10
seconds, then hold
it for as long as
you can.
10. If you need
another dose, wait
one minute and
repeat steps 4 to 9.
11. Replace the cover after each use. Store in a cool,
dry place.
Wash one time each week. Remove canister and
wash mouthpiece with warm water. Do not get the
canister wet. Let air-dry overnight. Put inhaler back
together and spray two times.
If not cleaned, the inhaler may not work.
For informational purposes only. Not to replace the advice of your health care provider. Copyright © 2013 Fairview Physician
Associates. All rights reserved. Clinically reviewed by Brittany Symonds, PharmD, BCACP. SMARTworks 521584 – REV 11/19.