Priva B.V.
FS Cradle – Installation manual – 1.2
Product description
The FS Cradle is part of the labour and production registration system of Priva FS
The FS Cradle has several functionalities, of which the most important is serving as docking
and charging station for the FS Readers. One FS Cradle can contain up to 10 FS Readers.
Functions and intended use
The FS Cradle should be used to activate new FS Readers that will be operated for the first
time. Placing the FS Reader in the FS Cradle triggers the FS Reader:
To awake from its ‘transport mode’.
To pick up wireless communication that can be understood; this allows the FS
Reader to select the correct frequency used for the wireless communication.
To get its battery fully charged.
And, if the FS Reader has been registered already:
The FS Reader will switch to the ‘Linked’ status.
The internal clock will be synchronised.
The latest firmware version will be loaded if this is different from the pre-
loaded firmware version in the FS Reader.
The FS Cradle serves, most importantly, as the charging station for the FS Readers. When the
FS Reader is placed in the FS Cradle, it will automatically start charging its battery.
Finally, the FS Cradle serves as a docking station for FS Readers not in use. As such, it
provides a platform in which the FS Readers can be placed so that any remaining
registrations in the FS Reader will be uploaded automatically and necessary updates to the
firmware of the FS Readers can take place.
Intended use
The FS Cradle is intended to be located in a central place where employees start or gather in
the morning or end the working day, to ensure easy access for employees. The unit should
be placed in a highly visible location, again for easy access.
The intended practical use of the FS Cradle is to provide a platform on which employees can
leave and charge their FS Readers after they finished working. They will then take the FS
Readers from the FS Cradle when they start working again.