Manual Che ck-In
During a check-in, a clock synchronizes its time with an NTP Server and transmits its status to your OneVue account. In addition, during
each check-in any pending setting changes are downloaded to the clock.
How to initiate a manual check-in for an analog clock
Quickly press and release the button on the back of the clock to initiate a check-in.
The clock emits a double-beep when the check-in sequence has started. The clock emits another series of beeps indicating the
clock is connecting to your facility’s network to check-in to your OneVue account and synchronize its time with an NTP Server.
One beep - initialized its radio
Two beeps - connected to network
Three beeps - received NTP time
Four beeps - connected to OneVue
After approximately 20 to 30 seconds, the clock automatically sets its time.
It's recommended to validate the clock can successfully check-in at its permanent installation location.