Cube L1
Revision 03 EN - 03/2021
Measuring with the optional LaserDiagnosticsSoftware LDS
This chapter aims to provide some basic information as you get to know the Cube L1,
discussing the example of a measurement with the LaserDiagnosticsSoftware LDS. For a
detailed description of the software installation, file management and evaluation of the mea-
sured data, please refer to the separate operating manual LaserDiagnosticsSoftware LDS.
Please read chapter 12, „Important information for measuring with the Cube L1“, on
page 26 first.
Notes of the LaserDiagnosticsSoftware LDS during measurement
If problems occur during a measurement, the LaserDiagnosticsSoftware LDS displays
them in different categories and different colors.
Notes provide assistance in interpreting the
measurement results and are displayed in a
blue window.
By clicking on the warning triangle in the
footer, further information about the problem
is displayed.
Non-safety-critical problems that influence
the quality of the measurement results, for
example, are displayed in a yellow window.
By clicking on the warning triangle in the
footer, further information about the problem
is displayed.
Safety critical device errors
Safety-critical problems that can result in
damage/destruction of the device are dis-
played in a red window.
Safety-critical problems must be resolved
immediately. The safety-critical message must
be confirmed to continue the measurement.