Motley Selection Drag and Drop
When a Group selection contains two or more layers, where the selected layers do not belong to the same server and
also do not have the same layer number, it is called a "Motley Selection." When dragging parameter values from one
member of a Group having a "motley" selection and dropping them onto another server, Director will filter the drop
based on the current Group selection and where the values are dropped. If values are dropped onto scenes or
presets, then the parameter value for all members will be stored.
In the example below, a motley selection has been made and Opacity is being dragged onto the Alfa server:
There are two scenarios to consider in this case:
Scenario 1
Motley selection is Alfa 1 + Bravo 2.
Bravo 2 is the current shown layer.
Drag Opacity and drop it onto Server Alfa.
Opacity will not be copied since Alfa layer 2 is not selected.
Scenario 2
Motley selection is Alfa 1 + Bravo 2.
Bravo 2 is the current shown layer.
Drag Opacity and drop into onto Server Charlie.
Charlie is not in the selection at all.
Opacity for Bravo layer 2 will be copied to Charlie layer 2
Charlie layer 1 will not receive any copy since Bravo layer 1 is not selected.