Working with the Dual Independent Mode
In order to use the Dual Independent mode, Director must be run on a separate computer from the Mbox
server. Refer to
"Running Mbox Director on a Separate Mac Computer"
Adding Dual Independent Fixtures
In Dual Independent mode, Director will treat the output as two separate servers even though they are actually on the
same server. When adding a fixture in Dual Independent mode, Director will configure the second server with the
default name "AlfaR" (Alfa Right Screen).
If Mbox is in Window mode while adding a Dual Independent fixture, an "image stale" warning will be displayed in the
AlfaR icon box as shown below. To view both output images, it will be necessary to switch Mbox to Fullscreen mode.
Refer to
Switching from Dual Independent to Other Modes
When switching from Dual Independent to other modes, it can be confusing because there are two servers involved. If
the second server is deleted, it will discard any stored data for that server. Because of this, a warning dialog is
displayed when switching away from Dual Independent mode.
Delete other server AlfaR
- This option will automatically delete the second (AlfaR) server and all of its data.
Configure manually
- This option allows the user to decide what to do with the second (AlfaR) server. If this
option is chosen, Director will relaunch. After relaunch, the Alfa server will be configured as one server and the
AlfaR server will still be configured as Dual Independent. The only way to resolve this is to use the server’s pop-up
menu to delete the AlfaR server, or to use the menu’s
Change Configuration
option to change the AlfaR server’s
IP address. (Refer to
on page 88.) The IP addresses for Alfa and AlfaR must be different
unless they are paired in Dual Independent mode.
To move AlfaR to another server, change the AlfaR IP address to the IP address of that server. Adjust the mode
to the desired setting as required. Refer to