Seat Assembly Replacement
This procedure provides instruction to remove and install the Seat Assembly which includes:
the Seat, Seat Slider Assembly, and Seat Post.
Review entire procedure before starting.
Seat replacement instructions
1. Remove seat by loosening he seat mounting bolt and pulling seat off the seat post.
2. Reinstall by placing seat onto the seat post.
3. Adjust the seat so that it is inline and level with the frame. Tighten the seat mounting
bolt. Sit on bike and verify the seat position, make adjustments as necessary.
4. Return bike to service.
Seat slider assembly replacement instructions
1. Loosen the seat adjustment knob.
2. Remove the seat slider - rear end cap by removing the three mounting screws using a
2.5 mm hex key. Retain fastener hardware for installation.
3. Remove the slider travel limit set screw located on the underside of the seat slider using
a 2.5 mm hex key. Retain fastener hardware for installation.
4. Remove seat slider assembly by moving it towards the front of the bike.
5 Replacement Procedures
Seat Assembly Replacement