PD64004 - 4-channel Power over Ethernet Manager
Provides 802.3af power to 4 Ethernet por ts (15.4 watts per por t)
Most integrated solution for residential routers, wireless LAN switches
and low por t count switches
Smallest foot print
Minimizes the number of external components and reduces overall system costs
PD64008 - 8-channel Power over Ethernet Driver
First PoE driver in the market, and building block for the first generation
of PoE modules and switches worldwide
With 8 por ts, it is suited for both high density and low por t count switches
PD64012 - 12-channel Power over Ethernet Manager
Provides 802.3af compliant power to 12 Ethernet por ts (15.4 watts per por t)
Most integrated solution for high por t density switches
Minimizes the number of external components and reduces overall system costs
PD67024M - 24-channel Power over Ethernet Master DIMM
24-por t, pre-tested 802.3af compliant module based on the PD64012 IC
Utilizes the industr y standard DIMM package and mechanics to simplify
integration of 802.3af compliant Power over Ethernet into switches
Ser ves as Master on a 48-por t solution
PD67024S - 24-channel Power over Ethernet Slave DIMM
24-por t module based on the PD64012 IC, used in conjunction
with the PD67024M master, for a 36/48-por t solution
Utilizes the industr y standard DIMM package and mechanics
Simplifies the integration of 802.3af compliant Power over Ethernet into switches
PD650008-DIMM - 8-channel Power over Ethernet DIMM Driver
The original 8-por t PoE DIMM
Based on the PD64008, enables switch vendors to reduce time to market
by using a standard DIMM inter face and a pre-tested module
PD660000-DIMM - Power over Ethernet DIMM Controller
The PD66000-DIMM is capable of controlling up to six PD65008-DIMMs
Enables the customer to deploy 48-por t solutions with minimal board space
PD650008 - 8-channel Power over Ethernet SIP Driver
8-por t PoE Single Inline Package based on the PD64008
Enables switch vendors to reduce time to market by using a small and pre-tested module,
which is soldered to the switch board
PD66000 - Power over Ethernet SIP Controller
The PD66000 is capable of controlling up to six PD65008-DIMMs
Enables the customer to deploy 48-por t solutions with a minimal board space
PD-IM-7024 - 24-channel PoE Power Supply
24-por t Power over Ethernet circuitr y embedded into a power supply
Includes power supply for both switch and the PoE sections
Based on the PD64008, enables seamless integration of Power over Ethernet
into the switch with minimum time to market and effor t
Power over Ethernet
Embedded Solutions
Product List - 802.3af Compliant PoE Embedded Solutions