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Replacement Parts
Low Voltage Arc Resistant Switchgear (LVSWGR-AR
Equipped with Magnum DS Circuit Breakers
Ch 6 Replacement Parts
A. o
1. To order Replacements Parts from Powell,
visit the website at powellind.com or call
2. Always specify the complete nameplate
information including:
• Circuit Breaker Type
• Serial Number
• Rated Voltage
• Rated Amps
• Impulse Withstand
• Control Voltage (for control devices and
3. Specify the quantity and description
of the part and the instruction bulletin
number. If the part is in any of the
recommended renewal parts tables, specify
the catalog number. If the part is not in
any of the tables, a description should be
accompanied by a marked illustration from
this instruction bulletin or photo.
4. Standard hardware such as screws, bolts,
nuts, washers, etc., should be purchased
locally. Hardware used in bolted joints of
conductors must be SAE Grade 5 or better
to ensure proper clamping torque and
to prevent the joints from overheating.
The hardware should be plated to deter
B. r
A sufficient amount of renewal parts should be
stored to enable the prompt replacement of
any worn, broken or damaged part. A sufficient
amount of stocked parts minimizes service
interruptions caused by breakdowns and saves
time and expense. When continuous operation
is a primary consideration, a larger quantity of
renewal parts should be stocked depending
on the severity of the service and the time
required to secure replacement parts.
Since parts may be improved periodically,
renewal parts may not be identical to the
original parts.
, lists the
recommended spare parts to be carried
in stock by the user. As a minimum, it is
recommended that one set of parts be stocked
per ten circuit breakers or less.
Powell recommends that only qualified
technicians perform maintenance on
PowlVac® switchgear. Refer to the Qualified
Persons section in the front of this instruction