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0500-GB SäTABEllEn_8537
Grain test (for the upper discharge system)
With the upper discharge system the correct position of the shut-off valve must absolutely be observed. This shutter position is dependent on
the free flow of the seeds. It can be ascertained by the grain test.
To engage the correct shutter position the following procedure must be followed:
• Preparing the grain test
- close the valve
- fill the seed box with seeds (rape)
- place the emptying trough on the seed line beam (see ”emptying” page 8)
- lock the shut-off valve in position ”a”
- the chute remains in position ”0”
- make at least 10 sowing shaft pre-turns
Carrying out the grain test:
- The grain is to be collected in one or more spouts while the crank handle is turned until the sowing shaft has completed an exact rotation.
The correct shutter position is reached when 6+/-4 seeds per spout have been run out in one sowing shaft rotation.
If in shutter position ”a” more than 40 seeds per sowing shaft rotation are counted, the seed is not suitable for the upper discharge
If less than 2 seeds per sowing shaft rotation are counted the shut-off slides are to be locked in the next biggest shutter position (first ”b”,
then ”c” or ”d”).
Important instruction
- after every change in the shutter position at least 10 sowing shaft rotations should again be made
- the grain test should also be carried out during the work in order that the orderly function of the upper discharge system is guaranteed.
Sometimes the seed amount is reduced through clogged cups. When this happens the cups should be cleaned out with a brush.
Clogged cups
Seed in cup