INS-2500 • 5403680 • REV C • 04/19
The warnings in this manual cover most known potential hazards, but by definition cannot be all-inclusive. If the user employs an
operating procedure, item of equipment, or a method of working that is not specifically recommended by Potter Electric Signal
Company, the user must ensure that the equipment will not be damaged or become hazardous to persons or property.
Nitrogen is not a poisonous gas. However, in a concentrated form, there is a risk of asphyxiation. The generator produces a flow
of nitrogen and oxygen enriched air which quickly disperses in the atmosphere. However, do not directly inhale the output gas
from the outlet pipe.
The generator is classified as non-hazardous for transportation purposes and as non-flammable for fire regulations. This equipment
is for indoor use only. Do not operate outdoors.
Specific procedure must be developed for maintenance of the equipment on which the membrane separator is located. Appropriate
labels must be continuously displayed in all areas where personnel might be exposed to a nitrogen atmosphere under normal or
upset condition.
Do not attempt to disassemble the nitrogen membrane sepa-
rator. Equipment damage may occur and cause the system to
function incorrectly.
Operation of the nitrogen membrane separator above the
rated design pressure may be hazardous. Do not connect it
to compressed air sources that can exceed its maximum rated
pressure without installing appropriate pressure controls and
safety relief devices in the compressed air supply line.