Limb holder for limiting limb movement. For bed and stretcher use only.
Limb Holders 2532A, 2551A
Application Instructions for Wrist and Ankle
Posey Products, LLC • 5635 Peck Road, Arcadia, CA 91006-0020 USA
Phone: 1.800.447.6739 • Fax: 1.800.767.3933 • www.posey.com
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© Posey Products, LLC. All rights reserved.
Posey Limb Holders
Quick-Release Limb Holders, single strap with
quick-release connecting strap
Quick-Release Quilted Limb Holders, single strap with
quick-release connecting strap
Indications for Use
Patients assessed to be at risk of disrupting life-saving treatments (e.g.,
pulling tubes or lines) or in danger of injury to themselves or to others.
Follow your hospital’s restraint policies and procedures which are in
compliance with CMS guidelines and state laws.
Do not use this device with someone who has continued highly
aggressive or combative behavior, self-destructive behavior, or deemed
to be an immediate risk to others or to self.
Application Instructions
Follow these steps to apply device (repeat steps 1-7 on each side):
1a. Attach the female end of the quick-release
buckle (short strap) to the frame that
moves with the patient (Fig. 1), out of the
patient’s reach (do not attach to side rail or
head/footboard). You may also wrap the
connecting strap once around the frame to
move the buckle out of the patient’s reach. Secure by feeding the
female end through the loop in the strap.
1b. Insert the male end of the connecting strap into the female end
of the short strap. Listen for a “snapping” sound. Pull firmly on the
straps to ensure a good connection. Move
the slide buckle next to the male end of the
quick release buckle to prevent the strap
from loosening (Fig. 2).
2. Wrap the limb holder cuff around the
patient’s wrist/ankle so the buckle and
connecting strap is on the ulnar side of the
wrist or lateral malleolus of the ankle. (Fig 3).
3. Secure the hook-and-loop fastener. Slide
ONE finger (flat) between the cuff and the
inside of the patient’s wrist/ankle to ensure
proper fit (Fig 4). The strap must be snug, but
not compromise circulation.
4. Close the quick-release buckle on the cuff.
Insert ONE finger (flat) under the buckle and
pull the strap snug, but not so tight as to
restrict circulation (Fig 5).
5. Release the quick-release buckle, twist
buckle 180°, and reconnect (Fig 6). Listen for a
“snapping” sound.
6. Attach the “hook” end of the cuff strap to the
“fuzzy” backing on the cuff to keep the quick-
release buckle from sliding (Fig 7).
7. Adjust the strap to allow for desired freedom
of movement, without compromising patient
or caregiver safety.
To remove cuffs:
Unsnap quick-release buckles
and release hook-and-loop fasteners.
Quick-Release Anchor Strap:
Remove Anchor
Strap from frame after use. Do not reuse quick-
release buckles, and do not mix male and
female ends from different products.
Schiffgraben 41
D-30175 Hannover, Germany
To limit lower limb range of motion for legs:
1. Attach the cuff that is secured to the bottom
right side of the frame to the left ankle.
2. Crisscross the straps and attach the cuff
secured to the bottom left side of the frame
to the right ankle.
3. Adjust connecting straps as necessary
Avoid using on a patient with a dislocation or fracture on the restrained
limb, or if an IV or wound site could be compromised by the device.
Check the patient regularly to ensure that circulation is not impaired.
Serious injury may occur if the cuffs restricts circulation when the limb
holder is applied.
Before each use
check cuffs and straps for cracks, tears,
and/or excessive wear or stretch, broken buckles or locks, and/or that
hook-and-loop adheres securely as these may allow patient to
remove cuff. Discard if device is damaged or if unable to lock.
Additional or different body or limb restraints may be
needed (See Posey Catalog):
»If the patient pulls violently against the bed straps.
»To reduce the risk of the patient getting access to the line/
wound/tube site.
»To prevent the patient from flailing or bucking up and down and
causing self-injury.
Bed Safety
Refer to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the most recent
Hospital Bed Safety Guidelines as well as the Bed
their Instructions for Use.
Fig. 4
Fig. 3
Fig. 5
Fig. 7
Fig. 6
Move Slide
buckle next to
Fig. 2
Move Slide
Buckle next to
Fig. 1