Refer to instruction
+44 (0)1244 833 933
Maximum total load.
Maximum number
of users.
Keep a secure grip on the ladder
when ascending and descending.
Maintain a handhold whilst
working from a ladder or take
additional safety precautions if
you cannot.
Fully open before use.
Use only with
Ladder for
Professional use.
Ladder for
Domestic use.
Avoid work that imposes a
sideways load on ladders,
such as side-on drilling
through solid materials.
Do not overreach.
Do not ascend descend
unless you are facing
the ladder.
Do not use the ladder on
an unlevel or infirm base.
Do not wear unsuitable
footwear when climbing
a ladder.
Any horizontal surface which
looks like a platform on a mobile
platform ladder that is not
designed for standing on (e.g.
plastic work tray) will be clearly
indicated on that surface.
Inspect the ladder after
delivery. Before every use
visually check the ladder is
not damaged and is safe
to use.
Do not carry equipment
which is heavy or difficult
to handle while using the
Do not use the ladder if
you are not fit enough.
Certain medical conditions
or medication, alcohol or
drug abuse could make
ladder use unsafe.
Identify any electrical risks
in the work area, such as
overhead lines or other
exposed electrical equipment
and do not use the ladder
where electrical risks occur.
Do not step off the side of
the mobile platform ladder
onto another surface.
Do not use the ladder
as a bridge.
Do not erect ladder on
contaminated ground.
Prevent damage of the ladder when
transporting e.g. by fastening and, ensure
they are suitably placed to prevent
Ensure the ladder is suitable for the task.
For professional use a risk assessment
shall be carried out.
When positioning the ladder take into
account risk of collision with the ladder
e.g. from pedestrians, vehicles or doors.
Secure doors (not fire exits) and windows
where possible in the work area.
Use non-conductive ladders for
unavoidable live electrical work.
Always pay attention to wind conditions
when using the ladder outdoors.
Do not spend long periods on a ladder
without regular breaks.
Do not use the ladder if contaminated,
e.g. with wet paint, mud, oil or snow.
Do not use the ladder outside in adverse
weather conditions, such as a strong wind.
Do not modify the ladder design.
Do not move a ladder while standing on it.