© 2020 Polara Doc. 350-078-01 Rev. A-25259 02/18/2020 Page 1 of 2
Installation Quick Start Guide for iNS3/iPHCU3S
AWG 18 wire is recommended for this installation and should meet all applicable regulatory requirements.
Removing power from the pedestrian signal head during installation is recommended for protection from electric shock. Safety
protections may be compromised and warranty voided if installed, utilized, or configured in any way different from factory instructions.
Note: An iNS2 PBS can operate as an iNS3 PBS (standalone Ped-Head Based System). It comes with a 3-position terminal
block capable of connecting a 3-Wire Cable to a Ped-Head Control Unit (iPHCU3S). If changing an installed/existing iNS2
PBS to operate as an iNS3, you must disconnect the ped wires in the cabinet from the Polara Interconnect Board and
land to standard ped input terminals.
Equipment needed for complete iNS3 installation:
iNS3 Push Button Station (PBS)
iPHCU3S (Ped Head Control Unit)
3-Wire Cable (Polara supplied or equiv.)
1. iNS3 PBS
1.1 Place intersection in PED recall.
1.2 Plan PBS (push button station) locations if they have preprogrammed special
messages. If special messages are not used, or will be programmed once each PBS is
installed, proceed to next step.
1.3 The iNS3 PBS must be mounted only in the upright orientation with the
connection terminals at the bottom, any other mounting orientation will void the
If retrofitting these buttons on an intersection with existing buttons, remove
existing buttons. Typical push button frames have the wire exit hole in the pole directly
behind the center of the button (approx. 3.5” below lower mounting hole). Because our
PBS requires the wires to reach the bottom of the unit, verify 8” of wire extends beyond
wire exit hole in pole. If enough wire is not available, evaluate whether a new, lower wire
exit hole that would line up with the terminal block access point in the bottom of the PBS
would provide adequate wire length. If yes, drill and reroute wires, the optimal position
of this hole is approx. 6.5” below the lower mounting hole. If not, you need to figure out
a way to achieve more wire length.
1.4 The iNS3 PBS is a modular device consisting of a backplate, electronics module,
speaker module, arrow button diaphragm, button cover, sign, and optional sign
backplate (for larger signs). The PBS is shipped partially assembled to secure it during
transport. To prepare for mounting, remove 3 screws from the lower cover. Remove
all screws securing the sign and sign backplate if present. Remove EARTH GND
(ground) screw located between the two terminal blocks at the bottom of the unit. Store
this screw in a safe place, it ensures the unit is grounded to the pole and must be re-
installed. Verify the arrow on PBS module is oriented toward the associated crosswalk.
If necessary, the button diaphragm assembly may be taken off and rotated as needed.
Secure the button diaphragm in the correct orientation by tightening the two retaining
screws with a Phillips-head screwdriver.
Please use caution as the metal button
diaphragm is sharp.
Remove the electronics module and speaker module together
from the backplate.
1.5 Position backplate on pole at correct height and orientation so arrow points to ending
of crosswalk on the opposite side of the street. Orientation is very important because
a blind person uses the arrow and face of the sign to orient themselves to the direction
of travel. Mark mounting bolt locations if existing holes not correctly located. MUTCD
max. height is 48”. Typical recommended height is 42”, but can be lower. Drill and tap
¼-20 bolt holes and wire access hole (if necessary, see Step 1.3). Route the iN3-Cable
(General Cable C2831A, or equiv.) between the pedestrian signal head and the pole.
1.6 Position the backplate against the pole and route the wires forward near the bottom
end of the backplate. Position the wire such that 3 or 4 inches of wire is available at the
bottom of the backplate.
1.7 Attach the backplate to the pole using the provided ¼-20 bolts with washers.
1.8 Re-install the electronics/speaker modules. Re-install the sign (and sign backplate
if using), securing the PBS Module in place before wiring. Re-install EARTH GND
(ground) connection screw to location between terminal blocks.
Connect the two wires from the traffic signal cabinet (if available) to the terminals of the