When the feature is on, the watch continuously measures your heart rate and displays it on the
Heart rate watch face. When opening the details, you can check your highest and lowest heart
rate readings of the day and also view what your lowest heart rate reading of the previous night
The watch tracks your heart rate in 5-minute intervals and records the data for later analysis in
the Flow app or web service. If the watch detects that your heart rate is elevated, it starts to
record your heart rate continuously. Continuous recording can also start based on your wrist
movements, for example, when you’re walking with a fast enough pace for at least one minute.
The continuous recording of your heart rate stops automatically when your activity level drops
low enough. When your watch detects that your arm is not moving or when your heart rate is
not elevated it tracks your heart rate in 5-minute cycles to find your lowest reading of the day.
In some cases, it is possible that you’ve seen a higher or lower heart rate on your watch during
the day than is shown in the continuous heart rate summary as the highest or lowest reading of
your day. This can happen if the reading you’ve seen falls outside the tracking interval.
The LEDs on the back of your watch are always on when the continuous heart rate
feature is on and the sensor on the back is in touch with your skin. For instructions
on how to wear your watch for accurate heart rate readings from the wrist, see
Wrist-based heart rate measurement
You can follow the Continuous Heart Rate data in more detail and in longer periods in Polar Flow, either in web or in the
mobile app. Learn more about the Continuous Heart Rate feature in this
Your watch tracks your activity with an internal 3D accelerometer that records your wrist movements. It analyzes the
frequency, intensity and regularity of your movements together with your physical information, allowing you to see how