Learn more about the Polar Running Program in this
. Or read more about how to
To see a video, click on one of the following links:
1. Log into the Flow web service at
2. Choose
from the Tab.
3. Choose your event, name it, set the event date, and when you wish to start the program.
4. Fill in the physical activity level questions.*
5. Choose if you want to include supporting exercises in the program.
6. Read and fill in the physical activity readiness questionnaire.
7. Review your program, and adjust any settings if necessary.
8. When you’re done, choose
Start program
*If four weeks of training history is available, these will be pre-filled.
Before starting a session, make sure you’ve synced your training session target to your device. The sessions are synced to
your device as training targets.
To start a training target scheduled for the current day:
1. Enter the pre-training mode by pressing and holding OK in time view.
2. You'll be prompted to start a training target you've scheduled for the day.
3. Press OK to view the target information.
4. Press OK to return to pre-training mode, and choose the sport profile you want to use.
5. When the watch has found all the signals, press OK.
Recording started
is displayed and you can start training.
Sync your training results from your device to the Flow web service via the USB cable or Flow app. Follow your progress
from the
tab. You’ll see an overview of your current program, and how you’ve progressed.
Running Index offers an easy way to monitor running performance changes. The Running index score is an estimate of
your maximal aerobic running performance (VO2max). By recording your Running Index over time, you see how efficient
your running is and how you improve your running performance. Improvement means that running at a given pace
requires less of an effort, or that your pace is faster at a given level of exertion.
To receive the most accurate information on your performance, make sure you have set your HR
Running Index is calculated during every training session when heart rate and the GPS function is on/Stride Sensor is in
use, and when the following requirements apply: