TT read laTesT Teeds, selecT
Read the latest news
TpTiTn in
The applicaTiTn’s menu. The laTesT dTwnlTaded RSS Teed
updaTes Tpen in TrTwser.
News Archive
: Ty selecTing This TpTiTn yTu can chTTse TT
read The previTusly sTTred updaTing RSS Teeds.
Dropbox PocketBook
DrTpBTx applicaTiTn allTws TT dTwnlTad files, added TT
DrTpTTx TrTm any cTmpuTer Tr any Device wiTh insTalled
DrTpTTx app Tr TrTm The DrTpTTx weTsiTe, TT yTur Device.
And yTu dT nTT need TT insTall anyThing TT yTur STckeT-
BTTk, iT is enTugh TT auThTrize in The service.
How to start using
RegisTer in The DrTpTTx service (www.drTpTTx.cTm);
InpuT yTur DrTpTTx accTunT daTa (email address
and passwTrd) Tn yTur STckeTBTTk Device in The secTiTn
Settings > Accounts and Synchronization > Dropbox >
Summary of Contents for Touch Lux 5
Page 1: ...User Manual...