Instructions For Use
PDS-801-007 Revision 2
Step 8: Alter Respiratory Rate Thresholds during Monitoring
In this Step, the procedure for altering the RR Alarm thresholds on a device that is currently monitoring
a patient is presented.
Alarm thresholds should be scrutinised in light of the condition of the specific
patient and hospital procedures. Incorrect thresholds can lead to unnoticed
adverse events and failure to alert user to abnormal breathing rate. Only alter
threshold settings under medical supervision.
In cases where the thresholds are set to extremes, the alarm system may be
rendered useless. Incorrect thresholds can lead to unnoticed adverse events and
failure to alert user to abnormal breathing rate. Only alter threshold settings under
medical supervision.
Verify that the upper and lower respiratory rate thresholds are in accordance with
current hospital, administrative, and/or local government law limits.
Any alteration to default setting will result in a status message being displayed on
the dashboard for that device.
To alter thresholds:
Connect to Lobe using procedure in this section.
Select the “Alert Thresholds” Button. The view will alter to present the Threshold Settings
Alter Lower and Upper Thresholds using the Plus and Minus Buttons. Increment the threshold
up or down by 1 bpm by pressing once. Holding a button will increment the value rapidly.
Alter the averaging window by selecting the appropriate window size.
Verify that new settings are correct and press the “OK” button to save the new settings to the
Lobe - the Sounder will beep, and the Blue LED will flash.
A summary will be displayed advising the user of the changes made to the indicator settings.
Press OK. The user will be returned to the Monitoring Screen.
To instead discard altered settings, select the “Cancel” button. All changes will be discarded.
The user will be returned to the Monitoring Screen.
Record alteration in patient records or in accordance with current hospital procedure.
Confirm alteration of thresholds was successful:
Upper and Lower thresholds display at expected values.
Connection Sounder and LED indications will occur.
Step 9: Alter LED and Sounder Settings
In this Step, the procedure for altering the System indicators on a RS Device that is currently monitoring
a patient is presented.
In cases where the LED and/or Sounder have been disabled, the alarm system may
be rendered useless. This can lead to unnoticed adverse events and failure to alert
user to abnormal breathing rate. Only alter LED and Sounder settings under
medical supervision.
To alter LED and Sounder Settings: