07 June 2018
1. Installation Procedure
This section describes how to verify that the system is properly installed.
Should any issue be found, make a note and pass it on to a trained service
HCI3500 Installation Check
Checking the software
Checking the installation
1. Turn on the upstream device
2. Turn on the main power switch on the HCI3500
3. Press [Tools]
4. Press [Software version] to check installed software version
5. If needed, download and install latest software according to procedure
described in system service manual
6. If a new software is installed, recalibrate the DSD sensors according to
the procedure described in the System Operator Manual
7. Turn off the main power switch
1. Turn on the upstream device
2. Turn on the main power switch on the HCI3500
3. From the main menu, press [Load tray A/B]
There is a risk of tilting the machine with the back cover off and pa-
per in the trays, make sure that the back cover is on when loading the
paper in the trays.
4. Load paper in the trays
5. Adjust the Paper Guides [A] (3X) according to the size of paper loaded
into the machine
6. Close the trays
7. From the upstream device, run a test job so that paper runs thorugh
the bypass area and both the trays are used to feed paper (see opera-
tor manual)