Neurotechnology Research Systems
© Plexon Inc
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File Open / File Save
The rectangular pulse parameters (phase amplitude, phase width, inter-phase delay, No. of
repetitions, and rate) for all channels can be saved to a user named file for future use by clicking the
Save icon or by selecting Save from the File menu. These configuration files have an extension of
In addition, whenever you close the stimulator user interface, the current values of the rectangular
pulse parameters are automatically saved to a file called “LastConfig.stm”. These parameters are
then automatically re-loaded the next time you open the user interface.
Note that if any channels have been configured to use an arbitrary waveform pattern, neither the
fact that the channel has been configured to use an arbitrary waveform pattern nor the name of the
arbitrary waveform pattern are saved to the configuration file. You must manually configure
channels to use arbitrary waveform patterns and manually load the arbitrary waveform patterns
for those channels.
The default values of the rectangular pulse parameters are stored in a read only file called
“Factory_Default.stm”. If you open the “Factory_Default.stm” file just after launching the software
you will restore the GUI controls to their factory fresh state.