Plasson Super Easy Start Adjustable Operating Instructions Download Page 1

Please read all the instructions before using the  
PLASSON Super Easy Start Adjustable for Turkey Poults

General recommendations:


Check your installation:


After completing the installation, fill the lines in order to check 

the system.


The SESA system is assembled on the PLASSON Nipple system.


Always use the long connecting piece (02209015) for the 

Aluminum profile.


Nipple type for this application: Grey.


Recommended number of Turkey Poults per SESA: 25-30.


Recommended number of SESA per 3 m (10’) section: 4-6.


Maximum length of line 80 m (260 ft.). For longer lines, a 

PLASSON Mid Line Pressure Regulator can be used.


If water is supplied from the main pipeline, incoming pressure 

to the header kit should be 1.5 bar (22psi),max. 2.7 bar (40psi).


If water is supplied from a header tank, the header tank should 

be at least 4 m (13 ft.) above floor level.


A 130 micron or 120 mesh filter cartridge or better must be 

installed before the header kit.


Lines must be suspended at a constant height above the house 

floor (slats/litter).


For lines with more than 15 cm (6”) of fall or slope, be sure to 

install the header kit on the high end of the line and allow the 

water to flow downward. Maximum permitted drop of line 

without using PLASSON Slope Regulator: 15 cm (6”).


Shocker wire must be installed. The aluminum profile must be 

grounded. It is recommended to perform the grounding using 

PLASSON Grounding Nipple. 


Before operating the system and prior to placement of 



 At the start of each new flock and after medication, the system 

must be flushed thoroughly with high pressure, one line at a 

time (for details see PLASSON Guide to Cleaning Water Lines). 

To flush:


Open drain valve at end of line


Turn valve on Pressure Regulator to “flush” position (half turn)


We suggest a minimum of 10 minutes per line. Once 

completed, turn the valve to “regulate” position and close 

drain valve at the end of the line.


 Set the water pressure (initial setting) to 30 cm (12”).  

(Water level in sight tube should be measured from the center 

of the Nipple line pipe) 



During the flock:


It is very important that the Turkey Poults will be able to see the 

water in the SESA - adjust the height of the SESA line and the 

light program accordingly. 

Recommended water pressure: 25-40 cm (10"-16").  
Note: Under 30cm pressure, the lower the pressure the higher 
the water volume in the cup.


 Training towards grow out:


If finishing barn is equipped with HF* we recommend adding 

one HF per 3 m (10’) section for the last week of brooding.


If the finishing is done in the same shed and using HF, we 

recommend adding one HF per 3 m (10’) section from the 

3rd week of brooding and continue replacing the SESA with 

one HF every two/three days (see HF Operating instructions). 

The extra unused Nipples should be covered with PLASSON 

Snap on Plug for Nipple (02205294).


PLASSON Bell Drinker, lower 5 to 10 Bell Drinkers per house 

for the last week of brooding.


Height of SESA System guidelines: follow the sketch hereunder


 Clean the filter periodically according to water quality


 It is good practice to run clean water through the Medicator 

after each medication


After taking the birds out:


Clean the lines following PLASSON Guide to Cleaning Water Lines


Keep the lines filled with water except under freezing 






Global Presence – Local Commitment

PLASSON Super Easy Start
Adjustable For Turkey Poults





(Up to 7 weeks) Operation Instructions

Day 3 up to

6 days

Adjust the line’s height 

enabeling the Turkey 

Poults to easily see the 

water upon their first 

search while ensuring 

the cup does not touch 

the litter as this will 

cause it to flood.

Slightly raise the water 

lines in order to train the 

birds to drink from the 

raised SESA. The lip of 

the SESA should be at 

bird’s chest to eye level.

Keep the SESA lip 

slightly above eye level 

while enabling free 

movement under the 


7 days till

end of brooding

Day 1

* HF (Heavy Finish) - PLASSON Nipple System for Adult Turkeys.
