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HeleNeue 25 Ultra Light
27.5 pt

Professional         system



Extend your wireless freedom in the office to your 
softphone and deskphone.

You’ve eliminated the phone, now remove the wires. the Cs50-UsB from Plantronics extends 

wireless freedom to your softphone. it’s the first wireless headset for VoiP applications with 
remote call detection and answer/end capability. experience superior sound quality, stylish 
design, versatile wearing options, and hands-free convenience via your UsB port.

the Cs50-UsB delivers:


a complete wireless headset solution for PC softphones that quickly connects to your UsB 

port, allowing you to take conversations up to 200 feet from your PC with no headset cables.


the Cs50-UsB is the first wireless headset with remote ring detection and call answer/end at 

the touch of a button, thanks to the Plantronics PersonoCall




Features noise-canceling microphone to deliver calls that are crystal clear.


Uses digital 900 Mhz technology for private and completely secure calls.


Convertible design gives you a 

choice of comfortable wearing 
styles, over the head and over 
the ear.

• Streamlined one-touch volume 

control, mute button, and call 
answer/end for complete 
control while you’re away from 
your desk.


>> Cs50-UsB wireless VoiP headset system
