User’s Manual of ICA-2500
6.1.8. Bonjour
The Bonjour service allows IP camera can be discovered with Apple Safari browser applied, once
the option enable the IP camera will be show the Friendly Name in the Bonjour bookmarks menu
of Safari browser.
To enable or disable the Bonjour service here.
Friendly Name
Shows the friendly name of this device here.
6.1.9. ONVIF
ONVIF is a global and open industry forum with the goal to facilitate the development and use of a
global open standard for the interface of physical IP-based security products. Or in other words, to
create a standard for how IP products within video surveillance and other physical security areas
can communicate with each other.
To enable or disable the ONVIF interface here.
Currently, the V1.0 or V1.01/1.02/V2.0/V2.1.1 is available.