User’s Manual of ICA-3250V
5.2.4 PPPoE
PPPoE: Stands for Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet
A standard builds on Ethernet and Point-to-Point network protocol. It allows Internet camera connects to
Internet with xDSL or cable connection; it can dial up your ISP and get a dynamic IP address. For more
PPPoE and Internet configuration, please consult your ISP.
It can directly connect to the xDSL, however, it should be setup on a LAN environment to program the
PPPoE information first, and then connect to the xDSL modem. Power on again, then the device will dial
on to the ISP connect to the WAN through the xDSL modem.
The procedures are:
(1) Select “
” to use PPPoE.
(2) Key-in Username and password for the ADSL connection.
(3) Send mail after dialed
When connect to the Internet, it will send a mail to a specific mail
account. For the mail setting, please refer to “
Mail and FTP
” settings.
5.2.5 DDNS
DDNS: Stands for Dynamic Domain Name Server
The device supports DDNS If your device is connected to xDSL directly, you might need this feature.
However, if your device is behind a NAT router, you will not need to enable this feature. Because DDNS
allows the device to use an easier way to remember naming format rather than an IP address. The name
of the domain is like the name of a person, and the IP address is like his phone number. On the Internet
we have IP numbers for each host (computer, server, router, and so on), and we replace these IP
numbers to easy remember names, which are organized into the domain name. As to xDSL environment,
most of the users will use dynamic IP addresses. If users want to set up a web or a FTP server, then the
Dynamic Domain Name Server is necessary. For more DDNS configuration, please consult your dealer.
Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) provides you at least one IP address which you use to connect to
the Internet. The address you get may be static, meaning it never changes, or dynamic, meaning it’s
likely to change periodically. Just how often it changes, depends on your ISP. A dynamic IP address