Chapter 66 Commands for Reload Switch after
Specified Time
66.1 reload after
reload after
] [days <
Reload the switch after a specified period of time.
the specified time, HH (hours) ranges from 0 to 23, MM (minutes) and SS (seconds) range from 0 to
the specified days, unit is day, range from 1 to 30.
time and day may be configured at the same time or configured solely.
Command Mode:
Admin mode
Usage Guide:
With this command, users can reboot the switch without shutdown its power after a specified period of time, usually
when updating the switch version. The switch can be rebooted after a period of time instead of immediately after its
version being updated successfully. This command will not be reserved, which means that it only has one-time effect.
After this command is configured, it will prompt the reboot information when user logging in the switch by telnet.
Set the switch to automatically reload after 2 days, 10 hours and 1 second.
Switch#reload after 10:00:01 days 2
Process with reboot after? [Y/N] y
Related Commands: reload, reload cancel, show reload