a. When installing fittings in the oil coolers, care should be used to prevent excessive torque to the cooler.
Where a rectangular fitting boss is provided, a backup wrench should be used employing a scissor motion, so that
no load is transmitted to the cooler. When the oil cooler has a round fitting boss, care should be taken to prevent
excessive torque on the fitting.
b. Apply LUBON 404 sealing compound to all male pipe thread fittings. Do not allow sealant to enter the
c. When attaching hoses to the oil cooler a backup wrench should be used.
d. After installation, inspect the cooler for distorted end cup.
e. Oil line routing should provide .5O in. minimum clearance between oil line and engine, engine mount or
cowling. Except for oil outlet line where it crosses over the engine mount. This area should have a clearance of
.75 in. minimum.
f. If a fitting (3/8 inch) cannot be positioned correctly by torquing it from 9 to I5 ft.-lbs., it should be replaced
with another.
g. After tightening the fitting, apply an alignment mark to the fitting and oil cooler boss.
h. Run up engine. After run-up, check for oil leaks.
8-15. ADJUSTMENT OF THROTTLE AND MIXTURE CONTROLS. (Refer to Figure 8-5.) Throttle and
mixture controls are adjusted so that when the throttle arm on the carburetor is rotated forward against its full
throttle stop and the mixture control is rotated forward against its full rich stop, the cockpit control levers of the
throttle and mixture should have 0.010 to 0.030 of an inch spring back on instrument panel stop when in full
throttle or full rich position.
a. The throttle may be adjusted as follows:
1. At the carburetor, disconnect the rod end of the throttle control cable from the control arm. Loosen the
jam nut that secures the rod end.
2. Adjust the linkage by rotating the rod end on the cable to obtain 0.010 to 0.030 of an inch spring back
on instrument panel stop when in full throttle position.
3. Reconnect the rod end to the control arm and safety.
b. The mixture may be adjusted as follows:
1. At the carburetor, disconnect the rod end of the mixture control cable from the control arm. Loosen the
jam nut that secures the rod end.
2. Adjust the linkage by rotating the rod end of the cable to obtain 0.010 to 0.030 of an inch spring back on
the instrument panel stop when in full rich position.
3. Reconnect the rod end to the control arm and safety.
c. Check security of cable casing attachments.
d. Pull the throttle and mixture levers in the cockpit full aft to ascertain that the idle screw contacts its stop
and the mixture control arm contacts its lean position stop.
8-16. INDUCTION AIR FILTER. Refer to Section 11, Paragraphs 2-47, 2-48 and 2-49 for information regarding
removal. service instructions and installation of induction air filter.
8-18. CARBURETOR MAINTENANCE. In general, little attention is required between carburetor overhauls.
However, it is recommended that the following items be checked during recommended inspection periods of the
a. Check tightness and safety of all nuts and screws which fasten the carburetor to the engine.
PA-28-161 CADET
Issued: FEBRUARY. 28, 1989