h. Disconnect the throttle and mixture cables at the carburetor and carburetor heat control. The carburetor
may be removed if it is desirable.
i. Disconnect the mechanical fuel pump supply line at the pump.
All hoses, Iines and wires should be identified (tagged) as they are
disconnected and separated to facilitate reinstallation, and do away
with the question as to where to reconnect them. Open fuel, oil,
vacuum lines and fittings should be capped to prevent contamination.
j. Disconnect the engine oil cooler lines from the cooler.
k. Disconnect the magneto "P" leads at the magnetos. Insert a protective cover over the connection.
1. Disconnect the engine oil temperature lead at the aft end of the engine.
m. Disconnect the tachometer drive cable from the rear of the engine.
n. Untie the ignition harness, hoses and lines at the aft end of the engine.
o. Disconnect the vacuum pump lines at the pump.
p. Disconnect the oil pressure line from the rear of the engine.
q. Disconnect the generator or alternator leads and the cable attachment clamps.
r. Attach a one-half ton (minimum) hoist to the hoisting straps and relieve the tension from the mounts.
Place a tail stand under the tail of the airplane before removing the
s. Check the engine for any attachments remaining to obstruct its removal.
t. Drain the engine oil, if desired, and close the drain.
u. Remove the four engine mount assemblies and swing the engine free, being careful not to damage any
attaching parts.
8-12. INSTALLATION OF ENGINE. (Refer to Figure 8-3.)
a. Prior to installing the engine, be certain that all components of the engine such as exhaust stacks,
carburetor, etc. are installed.
Ascertain that all hex nuts on the exhaust stack flanges are tightened
until the underside of the flange contacts its mating surface at all four
locations, then torque hex nuts to 110-115 inch pounds.
b. Attach a one-half ton (minimum) hoist to the engine hoisting straps and swing the engine into alignment
with its attaching points.
The upper right and lower left mounts are installed the same. The upper left and lower right are installed the
d. Swing the engine into place and position the engine mounting lugs so they align with the engine mount
attachment points.
e. Position the shock mount bolts through the mounting lugs and secure with nuts. Torque the nuts
progressively, following a circular sequence until a torque value of 450-500 inch pounds is reached.
f. Connect the alternator leads and secure cables with clamps.
PA-28-161 CADET
Issued: FEBRUARY. 28, 1989