Pioneer TX-520 Service Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for TX-520

Page 1: ... G AC110V 12OV 22OV and24OY Switchabte U S Military model s ACI 10V 120V 22OVand24OV Switchabtel General export model ss AC110V 12OV 22OV and 240V Switchablel Soutch Africa model CONTENTS SPECIFICATIONS FRONTPANELFACILITIES BLOCKDIAGRAM CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONS PARTSLOCATION DIAL CORDSTRINGING P C BOARDS CONNECTION DIAGRAM SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 I 11 13 14 15 18 21 25 PICINEEFI ELEGTFICINIC C...

Page 2: ...are removed by an 18d8 oct active filter consisting of a pNp transistor This active filter also sewes as an amplifier for frequencies within its passband and eliminates crosstalk FM IF SYSTEM Ic P A 3 0 0 r a AMTuner This employs a 2 ganged tuning capacitor a dualclement ceramic filter and an IC HA119T consisting of a RF amplifier mixer 2 stage IF amplifier detector and AGC circuit SignalStrength ...

Page 3: ...ct a broadcasting station FM or AM otnu scALE This indicates the frequencY FM orAMI upper number 88 108 lower number 55 160 otal PoINTER This movesright or left whenthe tuningknob is turned Line it up with the frequencyof the stationyou want to listento O stcruel lNDlcAToR This indicates the strengthof the signalfrom the AM or FM broadcasting station to which you are presently listening The larger...

Page 4: ...t Level lmpedance 650mV 3 6kO FM 100 MOD AM 30 MOD lSOmV FrequencyBesponse SpuriousResponse Batio 30Hz to t stnz lo f oa Miscellaneous PowerRequirements AC 120V 50 60H2 P o w e r C o n s u m p t i o n l l w Dimensions 420 W x94 H x254 D mm 16 9 16 W x 3 11116 H x 10 D in Weight Without Package Furnished Parts 3 2k9 6lb 13oz FM T typeantenna OperatingInstructions NOTE Specifications and the design ...

Page 5: ... fJ fti Tc 1Ëlfff ibJi ffi i _b lf r ld ff Èf Jù J_hË EE ili s T ffi io i i t f il îfl ryF l PA3001 A HAl 197 2SA726S 2s c2575 I E 3 2 1 7 P C BOARDSCONNECTIONDIAGRAM A TUNER Ass y cWt SZ Q4 Q5 02 Q3 External Appearanceof Transistorsand lCs 2sKt6B 2sc461 2Sc53s E i ____ f i 0iz aEe j ï ffiLJffi ll j ilgji ffiÆiffi ï fu ri r ___ t I i I e 7 16i o0Kat2 zsc461 ll _ fir T lffil jfl TE ffi g tq L j s 4...

Page 6: ...6 DIAL POINTER SWITCH Ass Y cws 346 LED Ass y GwX 634 zscxt45A T l P O W E R T R A N S F O R M E R r R t o o 2 2 M t 2 w LBl4t6 PL2 aV I OOmA P L I A V O 3 A AC 20V 5 4 ...

Page 7: ...yfactoroftnepart Therefore whenreplacing besuretotnepartsofidentical designntion o F o r y o u r P a r t s s t o c h C o n t r o l t h e f æ t m o v i n g i t e m s a r e i n d i c a t e d w i t h t h e marhs and i7 cawsnALLY MovES FASTERTHAN Thisclasificationsnitt UeTdiueted by eachdistibutor becarse it depende on model number temperature humidity etc base AEC 741 KNOb TUNING AAA O71 Knob FUNCTIO...

Page 8: ... see diagram a tf tt take it over pulleys C D and E in that sequence z friiJtrt o a Jtà ttd the tuningshaft 3 times 8 Pass it overp ff V f ii d il t9lÎd the tuning drum 2 times iiJ littutty tie it to the spring ttà t C sothat it is tensioned 9 Tum the tuning shaft and check that the cord moves smoothly 10 Cut off any excesseord ii T ù tuning shaft counter clockwise asfar asit will go 12 Alig the d...

Page 9: ...n A 3 A ATT 790 i AEL 108 AEL I55 a ACN 29 ADG452 ADE O34 GWE l52 GWS 346 GWX 638 AKB076 TunerAssembly GWE I 52 CAPACITORS Mark Part No T1 Power transformer PLI Lamp assembly PLz Lamp with wires R100 Carboncomposition resistor 2 2M1 Vll AC power cord Output cords with phono plugs Tuner assembly Switch assembly LED assembly Terminal AM STEREO OUTI Symbol Description c37 C39 c30 c 1 g2 c5 cl 1 C13 e...

Page 10: ...sembly GWX 638 NOTE When ordeing resrstors conuert the resistance ualue into code form and then rewite the part no as before Mark Part No Symbol Dæcription Symbol D cription 2SK168 2SC535 2SC461 PA3001 A HAt 156Wf 25A7265 2SA7501 HAl 197 A zsoego A zsogrs L 8 1 4 1 6 2SC945A 2SC257st 1082 r srB0102l KZL130 152076 1S15551 1152473 COILS FILTERS Mark Part ltlo o1 a2 03 o4 o12 o5 o6 07 o8 o9 010 013 0...

Page 11: ...75kHz deviation Position of dial pointer Adiustment point Adju Jtmont 3pecifacetion Frequency Level 1 ldle 106MHz T2 N OV DC between terminal no 8 and no 9 2 106MHz 90MHz 60 to 80dB 60 to 80dB 106MHz 90MHz TC3 vc3 Adirrct rrntil f C mltaoa hetweên ferminâl no 35 and oround 3 4 Repeat steps to 3 above is maximum and 0V DC betvveenterminal no 8 and no 9 5 106MHz 9OMHz 20dB 20dB 106MHz 90MHz TCl TC2 ...

Page 12: ...o I o Fig 12 1 Adjustmentof tuning capacitor R224 no 10 B no 9 I V R 1 Bar antenna coil vc2 B q T3 Fig 12 2 Adiustmentpointsandmeasuring points no 35 Tunerassembly ...

Page 13: ...c a 27r T rsP lc q 9 H A r 1 9 7 À M I U N E R I C Qlo 2sD880 REGU LAlOR l c5 Taol AC POWER COÂD a 0 G o 5 2 R2 tao R9 tgo T o o l R 5 84 7 Q r o R64 560 T O O I m t_ _ D 2 O E SWITCH Ass y GWS 346 F r A c65 470 È 2 5 R60 47o c64 2 O 5 too 2 5 o3 KZLî3O Rtoo 2 2M 2w oraLP0r l R P L z s l P O W ER a s G 5 r 6 8V IOOnA A E L I 5 5 P L i 8 V O 3 A A E L I O 8 a c r 2 o v  JF 60 Hr 1 3 2 c32 r ql sZ ...

Page 14: ... É Vl Signal votrase at FM4OOHz 75kHzDEV 4 OTHERS Adjusting poinl The 2 mark found on rcme codponent pans indicates the im poftance ol the glety tactor of the part Therefore when replacrng be sre to use parts of idenlicai dBignation This is the basic shemalic diagram bul the aclual crrcuit may vary due to improvemenls in desiqn SWITCHES S I P O W E R O N S T A N O 8 Y S 2 I F U N C T I O N F M A M...

Page 15: ...10 EXPLODED VIEW D I ...

Page 16: ...9 ANM O05 10 wA92F140U050 11 NKgOFUC 12 AEG741 13 AAA O71 14 ADG 052 15 AEG327 16 ATT 790 17 ABA 252 18 AEL l55 19 AAF I11 20 AAD 268 21 PMZ30P40FZB 22 GWX 638 23 AXA 292 24 A8A 246 25 AEC678 Top cover Screw4 X 8 Screw3 X 10 Lamp assembly Switch assembly Screw3 X I Screw3 X 6 Knob POWER Front panel assembly Flat rarasher Nut M9 Knob base Knob TUNING AC power cord Strain relief Powertransformer 120...

Page 17: Adjustm nt spocification Frequency Level 1400kHz 100dB 1400kHz TC5 Adiust until demodulatedsignalat OUTPUT terminal is maximum z 600kHz 100dB 600kHz T3 3 Set the AM SG to 30dB output level repeat steps I to 2 above 4 1400kHz 50dB 1400kHz TA Adjust until demodulatedsignalat OUTPUT terminal is maxrmum 5 600kHz sodB 600kHz Bartntenna 6 Repeatsteps4 to 5 until maximum sensitivityis attained 7 100O...

Page 18: ...ol Position de l indicateur Point de réglage Sp6cif ication de r6Slago Fr6guence Niveau 1 Déwatté 106MHz T2 N OVCCentrela borneno 8 et no 9 2 106MHz 60 à80d8 106MHz TC3 3 90 MHz 60à 80d8 90 MHz vc3 4 Répéterle pæ 2 et 3 Réglerjusqu ceque le voltæe CCentre la borne no 35 at la miseà terre estau maximum et 0V CCentre la borneno I et no9 5 106MHz 20 dB 106MHz TCl TC2 6 90 MHz 20 dB 90 MHz vc1 vc2 7 R...

Page 19: ...ON Paso FM SG 4 X Hz dewiaci6ndet 75 kHzl Posiciôn del indicador del cuadrante Puntode âiust Especificaci6n del aiuste Frecuencia Nivel 1 Libre 106MHz T2 N 0V CCentreel terminalno 8 y el no 9 2 106MHz 6 O a 8 0 d B 106MHz TC3 Alustar hastaque la tensiôn de CC entre el terminal no 35 y masa sea el mâximo y 0V CC entre el terminal no 8 y el no 9 3 9OMHz 6 0 a 8 0 d B 90 MHz vc3 4 Repetir los pasos2 ...

Page 20: ... Espâtula Fig 12 1 Ajustecapacidad de sintonizaciôn vc2 B f no 35 Fis 12 2 Puntosde ajustey de medici6n R22 4 6 no 8 no 10 f Conjuntodel sintonizador 6 no 9 P V R l Paletadel rotor X X Bobinade la antena de barra 22 ...

Page 21: ...i6ndel iurto Fræusncia Nivel 1 14OOkHz l x dB 14d kHz TC5 Ajustar hætaque la sefraldemoduladaen el terminal desalids 2 600 kHz 1æ dB 6fi kHz T3 OUTPUT seala mâxima 3 Ajustar el AM SG a 30 dB de nivel de salida repetir los pasos I y 2 de arriba 4 ltl00 kHz 50 dB 1400kHz Tet 5 60OkHz 50 dB 60OkHz Antenô de barrar OUTPUT seala m6xima 6 Repetir los pasos4 y 5 hæta que se consigala méxima sensibilidd 7...

Page 22: ......

Page 23: ...r X X Fig 12 1 Réglage du condensateur d accord R224 F n o 8 no 10 fl F4 Assemblage du tuner 6 no 35 Fig 12 2 Pointsde réglage et de mesure vc3 Spatula GGK 066 Antenneà tige 6 n o 9 q V R l T2 N T2 D F T3 B ru 1 9 ...

Page 24: ...Hz 50dB 140O kHz TC4 Flénlar irtcnrt À æ ôrrê lê ianrl d6mnrftrlé À ln harno ôl lTDl 5 60OkHz 50 dB 600 kHz Antenne tige estmaximum 6 Répéterlespas4 et 5 jusqu àl obtentionde la sensibilité maximum 7 1000kHz 50dB 10OO kHz F4 Régler jusqu à obtention de la sensibilité maximum Faire glisserla bobine de l antenne à tiæ le long de l âme I2 2 SECTIONTUNER AI I o Raccorderle générateur de signauxAM AM S...

Page 25: ... o n 1 3 W MISCELLANEOUSPARTS NOTES o Parfs without part number cannot be supplied o The marh found on some compoient parts indicates the importance of the safety factor oi the part Therefore ihen replacing be sure to use parts of identical designation o For your Parts Stoch control the fast mouing items are indicated with the marks and GENERALLY MOVES FASTER THAN This clossification shalt be adju...

Page 26: ...ption c21 c38 C40 c53 c48 c41 C42 c37 C39 c30 c31 c2 c5 c11 C13 cr 7 C52 C c56 c14 Cl5 C17 Cî8 C20 C22 C23 c26 C29 C49 C50 C71 c24 c51 C57 C68 c58 c32 c33 c34 c16 C35 C43 C44 c27 c 60 c61 c 1 9 c46 C62 c25 ACP 079 RD PM trDDJ RN PO trtrtrtrF SEMICONDUCTORS Mark Part No VRI Semifixed Sk Bl R1 R4 B6 825 R27 R34 R86 R36 R67 R74 R78 R80 R8 1 R87 R26 R35 Symbol Dæcription 2 SK 1 6 8 r 2SC535 r 2SC461 P...

Page 27: ...GU LATOR q t o i c63 too R60 47O c64 2 O 25 c65 470 25 KZL130 240V I20V 22OV s3 llov LINEVOLTAGE SELECÎOR a x x o 6 5 P L 2 8 v l 0 O h a A E L I 5 5 P L I 8 V O 3 A A E L I O E ACPOWER CORD A D G 0 4 6 Â c I r o v t20V 220v 240V 50 60 ta SGHEMATIC DIAGRAM FOR YP S AND S G TYPES TUNER Ass y G W E 1 5 3 S G W E 1 5 4 S G G W E 1 5 6 Y P FM 31iÎ L z s n L UNBAL GNO A M I O I A L r c I N T E R it Ll ...

Page 28: ...he slety factor ot the part Therelore when replacrng be re to use pôns of identical deiignôtion Thrs rs the basic hematic dragram bul the ætuôl circuil may vary due to improvemenlsin d6ign SWITCHES i S I P O W E R O N S T A N D 8 Y S 2 I F U N C T I O N F M A M S 2 2 F M M U T I N G O N O F F S3 LINE VOLTAGE SELECTOR fi ov 120v 220v 240 v The underlined Indicat6 the sitch positron 4 C20 loorz c27 ...

Page 29: ...OP1 OOFZ K TunerAssembly GWE 153 GWE 154 The component parbsof GWE 153 and GWE 154 are the same as the GWE 156with the exception of following sections Part No cwE 1s6 Part No Symbol No c30 c31 F3 Description I 1 I ermrnar ANTENNA I LED Assembly GWX 39 GWX 640 GWX 644 These assembliesare the same as the GWX 638 for KU type Switch Assembly GWS 334 GWS335 GWS 340 Mark Part No Symbol Description C K D...

Page 30: ...cas 56OP À2200P lc ô r F IP trorru rI c s 5 6 0 P J A t ê o r T l 1 0 5 0 Raa 680 e cas ç X qu lizôop à 2sa726s I o ô S 2 1 F U N C T I R4o8 2K Rarlok t4 scs45 a R_1i F M M U Î I N G c 5 6 l 4 0 0 1 0 a l Ri 6 E æ l F t eçr C53 l0o0P 4 022 47 35 o Ê q o È c Âtu FM o f f i o f f i o Ê q O F F O N o b POWER 3 o 24 o 5 o 22 o 21 o 20 o ...
