Page 1: ... PARTSLIST 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 3 4 5 7 PICINEEFI ELECTFICINIC GCIFIPCIFIATICIN 4 l Mesuno 1 chome Mesuno ku Tokyo 153 Japan PICINEEFI ELECTFIONICS UEiAl lNC 1925 E Dominguez St Long Beach Califonnia 9OAIO U S A PIONEEFI ELECTFIGINIC EtJFIclFE N V Luithagen Haven 9 2O3O Antwenp Belgiumi PfONEEFf ELECTFIONICS AIJEITFIALIA FTY LTE 178 184 Eloundany Fload Elnaeside Victonia 3195 Austnalia FGO MAY 1982 Pri...
Page 2: ...ALIZERswitchto compensate for the frequencyresponse of the signals enteringthe EOUALIZERINPUT E terminals The compensated signals are then madeavailable from the EOUALIZER OUTPUT F ll terminals asthe outputsignals o Press both switches when recording signals whichhave beencompensated by the SG 530 Thecompensated sig nals are then made available from the EOUALIZER OUTPUT F nl lsr ntinslsand ADAPTOR...
Page 3: 16 9 16 W x 3 13 16 H x 8 112 D in Weight withoutpackage 2 8k9 6 lb 3oz Furnished Parts C o n n e c t i o n c o r d w i t h p i n p l u g s 2 Operating Instructions 1 NOTE Specifications and the design subject to possibte modification without notice due to improvements 3 BLOCK DIAGRAM L C H rN E Q U A L I Z E R R E C I E Q I orrtA f REc R C H r tr EOUALIZER L our t_ R C TAPE L plav gff o ru t F...
Page 4: ...e and a resistance connected in series Any required re sonant frequency can be obtained by changing the inductance and capacitance of the seriesresonance circuit by varying CI C2 R3 and R4 With the SG 530 7 equalizer elements with different resonance frequencies are included in one EQ AMP and each frequency segmentcan be adjusted independently The frequency response of each octave is boosted when ...
Page 5: ...OCATION Front PanelView Front panel ANM l54 PushknobA POWER AAD 417 Slideknob FREOUENCY AAD483 S1 1 EOUAL IZERIEO REC S 1 2 S1 3 TAPE NO ES o The I marh found on some component parts indicatec the importance of the safety factor of the part Therefore when replacing besure to use partsof identical designation For your Parts stoch control the fut mouing items are indicated with the marhs and GENERAL...
Page 6: ...ord ADG O52 AC socket AKPO38 Pushswitch S1 EOUALIZER EO REC TAPE ASG 335 AF assembly GWM 244 LED Dl3 POWER AEL 382 I t ll 1 I Pushswitch S2 POWER ASG 215 Slideresistor VR1 VR7 with LED ACXOl2 Top Viewwith BonnetCaseRemovqJ A t Powertransformer T1 120V 4AT 806 I VR assembly AWX 243 Powerswitch l assembly ...
Page 7: No Symbol Description GWM 244 AWX 243 OTHERS Mark Part No AF Assembly VR Assembly Symbol Description RESISTORS NOTE When ordering resistors conuert the resistance ualue into code form and then rewrite the part no as before Mark Part No Symbol Doscription R D P M C J R 1 _ R 7 9 SEMICONDUCTORS Mark Part No Symbol Description A 4TT 806 T1 Powertransformer 120V M5218L o1 o3 A AKP 038 Ac socket Ac...
Page 8: ...ternalApearance of Transistors and lCs M5218L NJM4558DX S 1 Push switch EOUALI ZERl EO REC TAPE AEL 382 D13 LED POWER VR Assembly AWX 243 Mark Part No Symbol Dascription ASG 215 ACG 019 LED Assembly Mark Part No nn44 il O rye No_ q T LotNo fr n 1I a S f ll B U l l c u N a rvnc ro fi r lM n utu f rvoelro_ J l I n ffi r otno 1U Typ No _ ni r rK vu J 2SC1815 2SC1919 2SD313 2SD880 JAlOl JC501 2 26031A...
Page 9: ...S CONNECTION VOLUME Ass Y aWX Z e SWITCH Ass y 29 24 I DIAGRAM 3l AF Ass y l6wM Za A T t t 9 I III 2 L_3 I 26 27 tt ll r 1 7 t 8 VOLUME Ass y AWX Z g Ol O3 can be replaced as follows M 5 2 1 8 1 f iill I l i I H 0I 8 ...
Page 10: ...r 5 9 r os ojilf1 StifL i o3 J c Jnl HAH R22 tOO tl ci t 1o 5o T 2zop ii a r i i 9 c4 c2fu 2 2 O o 1 O l 5 O I if_ry ry u g Re4 roo _q M i R 2 6 r O O qA e 829 27A oj r T 1 1 r tqrr ffi tu ffi fi f r f ffi lL O R 5 64 7 k l l O R 5 54 7 k l c3aH f4 9c5HA c z o 1 l f t o o r 2 _ R 7 o 3 s r c 1 G f o r a a s s s r _ 5 5ol16L i F 6ls sol 6L J orr 1 q e if R2 5rOO R27 270 T l P O W E R T R A N S F O ...
Page 11: ... IlSOnA l L C n _ REC T A P E L PLAY P O W E R S W I T C H A s s y Q r 8 t 9 2 5 D 3 t 3 Q 2 0 J A r O t Q 1 2 4 J C 5 O 1 Q 1 A 2 2 R E G U L A T O R r D J D r 4 t o E 2 05 6 KZLt20 0 7 t z u s t o 35 3 1 o t 6 L z Q z t z l D r 5 r 6 u s t o 3 5 D r 4 l o y O t 3 B F D Q 2 3 2 4 L E D D R V E R I r o r r e o cnr l l_ ...
Page 12: ...arrs Indicates rhe rm t o n a n c e o t t h e s a i e r v i a c l o r o f r h p D a r r T h e r e l o r e w h e n r e p t a c r n q r e sure to use parts of rdenlrca les gnat on T h r s r s r h e l d s r cs c t r e m a tc t r a l r a m b u l t h e a c t u a t c i r c u i r m a y v a r y r l 0 t o m J r o v e m e f t s I n d e s q n A F A s s y G W M 2 4 4 L B q 4 1 7 2 S C t 8 l 5 E Q U A L I Z E ...
Page 13: ...n remove the front panel cover and remove the slide knob 3 Remove the front panel baseass y Remove the two screws O and releasethe panel stay lock by pushing against the hook at point of the front panelbaseass ywith the small screwdriver and remove the ass yby pull ing forward Assembly 4 Position the front panel baseass y on the panel stay 5 Attach the slide knob to the VR ass ycontrol 6 Attach th...
Page 14: ...06 11 AEC 903 12 AWX 243 13 AEL 394 14 AEC 558 15 WA35F100N080 Screw 3 X 8 Bonnet case Screw 3 X 6 Pushknob A POWER Function knob A ADAPTOR TAPE Front panel baseassembly Slideknob FREOUENCY Front panel cover Function knob EOUALIZER EO Power transformer 120V Foot assembly VR assembly L E D Nylon rivet Washer Description 16 GWM 244 17 AKP 038 18 ADG 052 19 MTZ3oP100FZK 20 AEC 327 21 VBZ30P060FMC 5 1...
Page 15: ... R R G WE WB and WP types are the sameasthe SG 530 KU type except for following sections Miscellaneous Power Requirements WE WB WP types AC22O 24OV 50l6OHz R R G types AC110V LZOV 22OY 240V 5Ol60Hz Mark Symbol Description Part No KU type R type R G type WE type WB type hlP type A A A 1 A ii FuseAssembly P C board T1 Power transformer 120V T1 Power transformer f 10v 120v 220V 240V I T1 Power transf...
Page 16: ... r 0 0 w M A x P O W E R S U P P L Y C I R C U I T F U S E A s s y l a l P OWE R SW ITCH As s y POWERSUPPLYCIRCUITFOR WB TYPE POWERSWITCHAss y P O W E R S U P P L Y C I R C U I T F O R W P T Y P E POW ER SW ITCH Ass y A C 2 O 2 4 O v 5 0 6 0 H z FuseAssembly WEWpe o9 o8 Q 7 o 5 04 FuseAssembly WPtype o8 07 06 o 5 ...