Page 1: ...perate from 110v i 20v 220y or 24oV main Before turning onthe power please confirmthatthe settingsof the linevoltageselector switchandlinefrequency selector switcharesetcorrectly for usein yourarea if nor changethesettingasdescribed in BEFORE USE on page2 DrrloRleEfi qi S S G l t l 5 r ...
Page 2: ...setproperly changethe settingsas follows LINEVOLTAGESELECTOR SWTTCH Fig A Beforeadjusting disconnect the powercord 1 Prepare a mediumsizescrewdriver 2 Insertthe screwdriver into the arrowon the voltageselec_ tor and adjustso that the tip of the arrowpointsto the voltage valueof vourarea REARPANELFACILITIES Linevoltdgeselector switch nC orfo l I rf l l E F l l E E l llI lI la tr l IVY VC LTAGE SELE...
Page 3: ...Fordetailson the powercapacityof the appliances whichmaybe connected turnto page5 POWER CORDHANDLING Connecting the powercordto othercordsor joiningcords together cancause fireandelectric shocks andthusisex tremely dangerous o Takeholdof the powerplugitselfwhen connecting and disconnecting the power cord Neverperformtheseop erations with wet handssinceyou mayreceive an electric shock Remember to d...
Page 4: ... Wakingupat AM7 00andleaving homeat AMg 00 ON I oNorOrr Y mode IWaking Ing Minutes Seconds up to music unattended record Seepage 10 OFFtime DT 5 S power outlet o When combinedwith the tapedeckand tuner the timer canrecordradioprogramsunatten Jed One ON and one OFF time can be set on the timer in a 24_hour period of time I Dozingoff to sleepwith music Seepage 12 Youcanusethesleeptimerfunctionto doz...
Page 5: consumption specifications referto theOperating Instruc tionsof the components concerned I Highlevels of current areprone to flowthrough audiocom ponents momentarily Forinstance evenif thetotalpower consumption is500W at thesetimestheactual figurewill be nearly1 000 W I Do not connectelectrical appliances suchas TV setsor poweramplifiers witha powerconsumption of over200W in whichhighlevels of ...
Page 6: ...the settingof the modeselector SECRESET Whenthisswitchis deoressed with the mode selectorin the SECONDposition the second displayof the presenttime is resetto l E Jand when released the secondsarecountedup from l iiE l E l J EE etc and the rightmost minutedigitandseconds aredisplayed REV When the FAST or SLOW switch is depressed whilethisswitchis in the depressed position the displayed timeis reve...
Page 7: ...EADJUSTswitchsettings in thefollowing table TIMERSET OFF TIMERSET ON CLOCK SECOND CLOCKADJUST NOTE When the unit s power plug is connected to a household AC outlet the AM l2 00 or 0 00 time display will wink lt also winks when there has been a power failure while the unit was working and the power has been restored Display Example of display Mode selector TIME ADJUST switch Time until sleep operat...
Page 8: ...let Household AC outlet fr il t l tri Dl l l Set the presenttime hours minutes I Setthe modeselector to CLOCK ADJUST TIMEF SET CLOCK o z sFcoNo o r cLocK aDJJsr oo l s I Depress theTIMEADJUST FAST switchuntiljustbefore the present time AM 8 30 andthenrelease the switch I Depress the SLOWswitchandadjustto AM 8 35 I lf the presenttime is exceeded depressthe SLOW switchtogether with the REV switchto ...
Page 9: ... 5 min Xtsec I Set the modeselectorto SECOND TTMEF SET cLocK a i o J SLEEP I I I Depress the TIMEADJUST SEC RESET switchandwait untilthe timesignalis heard I Release the switchassoonasthe timesignalis heard Depress Release t O 15 EEl 5 iJ i 5 t1 1 5 tlI 00 sec The presenttime is now displayed Attt Li r t l t 1 sec 2 sec 3 sec s r oorr r fi llll Retease TIIW A m llls Depress I w u_il fl ...
Page 10: ...ecording Operate the stereoamplifier andtunerandtuneinthedesired station Setthetapedeck up for unattended recording For details refer to the Operating Instructions of the tunerandtapedecr NOTES Thetimer sON OFF timescannot be setin second units I tisnotpossible to setthetimeroN tirneandnot theoFFtihe or vice versa Be sure to set the ON time firct and then the OFF ttme TIMERON OFFSETTIME OPERATIONS...
Page 11: ...en the AC OUTLET TIMER selector is depress ed However from the following day after 24 hours the power will be switched on at the ON set time and switched off at the OFF set time lf the components the power of come AN while the timer s ON and OFF times are being set depress the AC OUTLET OFF selector and perform the timer settings again lf the mode selector is at SLEEP the power to the connected au...
Page 12: ...eptionor tapeplay SLEEP TIMEROPERATIONS Set the time until the power is to be switched OFF I Beforesettingthe sleeptimer first checkthe timer sON andOFFtime I Setthe modeselector to SLEEp f oN sFcoNo t l oo fi fi fi g t J LJ U r F 6 I Operate the FASTandSLOWswitches andsetthedesired time example t hr 30 min which is to elapsebeforethe poweristo beswitchedOFF asshownin the tablebelow NOTE TheREVdoe...
Page 13: ...ring the sleep timer operation depress the AC OUTLET OFFselector ln this case the timer ON OFF opera tiansare not effective Return the mode sel ectorto CLOCK A C Q Y L E T Lm N TrGtJ flt fllfl ur rJhb r The presenttime is now displayedalthoughthe set operating timeshavebeenmemorized flMER SET cLocK l o sEcoND Nuoc oo us The present timeisaisptayea ev WHENCHECKING THETIME REMAINING Thetimerernainin...
Page 14: Q SCt tO TIMER SET ON Set the time at which the power is to go OFF Next set the sleep timer function Set the time which is to elapseuntil the power is to go OFFafter you havedozedoff while listeningto music OSet to SLEEP Depressthe AC OUTLET TIMER selector Returnthe mode selectorto the CLOCKposition l t UilIi n NOTE Set to CLOCK Keep the mode selector at the SLEEPposition if you do not want ...
Page 15: ... makeadjustments Pioneer canmakeno guarantees in the caseof a deterioration in performance resulting from remodeling by a user Avoid use in hot over rtE C and cold under 5oCl locations Alsoavoidusingthetimerina location susceptible to vibration sincethis maycausea time error lf the timermakesanybuzzingor rattlingnoiseduringuse disconnect the powercordfrom the poweroutletandcon_ tact the nearestPio...
Page 16: ...n 1 fi1 Otherfunctions o AC OUTLET on display redLEDtights o Timeroperation display greenLEDlights r Powerfailuredisplay timedisplaywinks Dimensions 420 W x S0 H x 144 D mm 16 9 16 W x 2 H x 5 11 16 D in Weight 1 7kg 3tb12ozl Accessories Op e ra ti n g In stru cti o n s 1 NOTE Specificationsand design are subject to possiblemodification without notice due to improvements ltlClNEEFl ELECTFICINIC CC...