Figure 52 Sample power cabling scheme with 230V (one circuit shown)
1–16 (Brick 16 through Brick 1): SATA, 1.18A drawn 21 Total 7.08A drawn
17 Slammer CU 0: 1.275A drawn
22 Total 7.08A drawn
18 Slammer CU 1: 1.275A drawn
23 Total 3.145A drawn
19 Pilot: 0.60A drawn
24 Grand total 14.16A drawn
20 Total 4.72A drawn
25 Grand total 22.025A drawn
Important! If you use split power cables, as shown in the figure above, make
sure the split cables power separate components. Do not use a split power cable
to power two sides of the same component. The two sides need to be on
separate circuits, in case one side fails.
The amperage requirements for an FC Brick is higher than a SATA Brick.
Configuring for FC Bricks may require upgrading your PDU specification. If you
have any questions about your PDU configuration, contact the Pillar World Wide
Customer Support Center.
The following figure illustrates one way to distribute the load with one Slammer
and 16 FC Bricks (and a Pilot).
Chapter 5 Connect Power Cables
About Power Cabling