Scheduled Maintenance Check Lists
Scheduled Maintenance Checks
The scheduled maintenance checks gives the MMP and the scheduled inspection for different flying hours or
calendar time based inspection packages.
The Master Maintenance Plan (MMP) gives the list of all the Airworthiness Limitations (AL), Time Limits and
Scheduled maintenance checks by S1000D system, sub-system order. Refer to AMM 12-B-05-40-00-00A-000B-A.
For those operators that would like to repackage the task requirements, the MMP can be used as long as the given
intervals are not exceeded. Refer to AMM 12-B-05-40-00-00A-000B-A.
Unscheduled Maintenance Checks
This section gives inspection requirements which are necessary after a special or unusual circumstance has
occurred which may have damaged the aircraft. Refer to AMM 12-B-05-50-00-00A-018A-A.
Definition of Terminology
It is the responsibility of the owner or operator to make sure that the time intervals are monitored correctly.
If the interval is given as any combination of Flying Hours, Months or Landings, such as 600 FH or 12 Months, the
interval is understood as “whichever comes first”.
Flying Hours (FH)
Flying hours are defined as the total time between take-off and landing.
The date on the aircraft data plate is used as the start time for all the calendar month intervals.
The subsequent monitoring procedure, for all the calendar time limited items after their initial replacement or
inspection will be in elapsed time or installed time. This is given with each component interval in these data
modules, refer to AMM 12-B-05-10-10-00A-281A-A and AMM 12-B-05-10-20-00A-281A-A
Elapsed time is the time interval since manufacture of the component.
Installed time is the time interval since the installation of the component on the aircraft.
For calendar based time limited items, the inspection requirement is to be done no later than the last day of the
month of the calendar interval given. This is also applicable to all the subsequent calendar time limited inspection
All landings of a flight including the final landing; touch-and-goes; full stop landing with a follow on take-off in the
same flight.
PC-12/47E AMM Doc No 02300, ISSUE 01 REVISION 27 MSN 545, 1001-1719, 1721-1942
Effectivity: All
19.11.2019 Page 3