MIDI Sync is the normal default MIDI mode of the Infinity
it’s always
When a MIDI Beat Clock is present
, the Infinity Looper will synchro-
nize its actions to the MIDI beat clock, acting as a
Once a loop has been recorded
with a MIDI Beat Clock, the Infinity
constantly readjust the loop length to stay synchronized
. This
active MIDI synchronization prevents drift, and guarantees that all
synchronized actions happen on time at the start of MIDI measures.
This active MIDI synchronization is designed to work with regular MIDI
clock signals that don’t change tempo or time signature. If the MIDI
clock signal does change tempo, the Infinity will react and adjust the
sample rate gradually.
The MIDI actions of the Infinity are quantized to the measure when
MIDI is running, by default in 4/4 time. Any action that is meant to
obey MIDI clock will be applied at the beginning of the next measure
(not necessarily the end of the loop cycle). So it’s best to cue the
MIDI command within the bar/measure before you want it to occur,
not right on the downbeat.
If a MIDI clock signal is present during recording and then stopped
or disconnected, the Infinity will continue playback using its recorded
length. Actions will continue to be quantized to an internal, approxi-
mate MIDI clock. However, this internal MIDI clock may drift or differ
from the external MIDI clock that was disabled.