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Mid-Mount Ascendant Aerial Tower / 1-21
1-10.7 Ladder Base Pinch and Crush
Figure 1-14: FAMA46 Warning Label
Your ladder consists of heavy structural parts moving past one another that create dangerous pinch or crush
hazards. Personnel must be kept clear of these parts while the ladder is moving. Study your device carefully and
keep yourself and others well clear of these areas during operation. Any person standing on the turntable platform
should be kept away from the ladder. Never allow people to hold onto or lean against the device while they are
waiting for you to position it.
1-10.8 Rungs Aligned
Before allowing personnel to climb the ladder section of an elevating platform, you must ensure that the rungs are
aligned. This will allow personnel to maintain proper foot placement while climbing and reduce the possibility of
slipping, tripping, or getting feet caught between misaligned adjacent rungs. Observe both your rung alignment
indicator and your ladder rungs directly to ensure that they are aligned.
1-10.9 Operating with Personnel near the Aerial Apparatus
There may be times during operation when other personnel are working in the same vicinity. Instruct and train your
department personnel that they should approach a working aerial apparatus only after getting the all-clear from the
primary control operator.
Keep personnel clear of swinging structures and other moving parts. Keep them away from the area beneath the
device and from around the apparatus. Items accidentally dropped by personnel on the device may injure or kill
those below. Falling items may bounce off the ladder, turntable or other parts of the apparatus and strike personnel
at some distance from the apparatus. Take extra precautions during icing conditions to keep personnel from being
injured by ice falling from the device.
Pinch and Crush
Keep hands and body
clear of moving parts.
Failure to comply may
injure or kill.
Do not paint over this label. Replace if damaged or lost