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Mid-Mount Ascendant Aerial Tower / 1-11
Manual Valve Controls
Figure 1-6: M0343 Warning Label
Your apparatus allows you to control the motion of the aerial device and the stabilizers by manually operating the
control valves. During this operation, all safety systems are overridden. Manual valve operation must be done with
extreme care and only by a trained operator who understands the load charts thoroughly and has calculated the safe
operating conditions at the scene. Manual valve control will allow the device to move into areas where the device
may become unstable and tip over. Other disabled interlocks may allow the device to make contact with the body or
cab. Only use manual valve controls in an emergency or in completely controlled conditions.
You must learn where these manual valve controls are located and how to operate them. Practice using them under
supervision and in controlled conditions until you are just as proficient with them as you are with the normal controls.
If the normal control system malfunctions, remove personnel from harm's way immediately and take the device out
of service until it can be repaired. Use emergency manual valve controls with extreme caution and only when all
non-essential personnel are well clear of any hazard.
Aerial Interlocks
This aerial device is equipped with a number of interlock functions, many of which are required by NFPA 1901.
Interlock devices are intended to reduce the possibility of unsafe actions, but they should never take the place of
careful, thoughtful, and prudent operation. Department procedures should identify each interlock and provide a
procedure on how to safely ensure that each is functioning.
Aerial device interlocks may include:
The aerial device function must not activate unless the stabilizers are fully deployed.
Interlock Failure Hazard
Understand your device and how it is intended to function
Never rely on interlocks to ensure safe functioning
Check interlock functions frequently
Do not paint over this label. Replace if damaged or lost
Tipping Hazard.
Using manual controls overrides safety systems
Do not use unless you are trained and
Follow load chart
Use spotters for guidance during motion
Use manual controls to retract and stow device
if normal control system fails
Stow device in cradle before using stabilizer
manual controls
Remove device from service until repaired
Failure to comply may injure or kill.