1-2 / Mid-Mount Ascendant Aerial Tower
© 2021 Pierce Manufacturing Inc. All Rights Reserved.
To the Operator
Figure 1-1: FAMA25 Warning Label
This Aerial Apparatus is not a consumer product; it is a complex piece of industrial equipment. It has the potential
to cause harm to you or those around you if you use it improperly. Its safe operation requires you to be trained, be
experienced, be smart, and use your common sense. It is essential that you be careful, physically and mentally
qualified, trained in the safe operation of this equipment, and authorized by your employer to do so. You are
responsible for learning how to operate this apparatus and equipment under all conditions without having to pause
to read this manual.
Never work on or around this equipment, operate it, or maintain it unless you have:
Read and understood this manual
Read and understood the operation manual(s) of components supplied with this equipment
Watched and understood any safety video(s)
Have been trained in and have practiced safe operation
Are an authorized operator
If you are uncertain about the safe operation of any aspect of this vehicle or equipment, stop immediately and seek
further training.
Multiple Manuals Required
Your fire apparatus is composed of several main parts. This manual is only one of the Operator's Manuals that you
will need to inform you about how to operate your apparatus properly and safely. You must refer to each of the
following manuals as applicable to your apparatus:
Your Pierce apparatus will be manufactured on a Pierce Custom built chassis. Pierce publishes a manual for each
custom built chassis model. You will need the Pierce Custom chassis Operator’s Manual to fully inform you of safe
and proper vehicle operation.
Pump & Body
Every apparatus, whether a pumper, aerial, or rescue, will have an applicable pump and body manual. Use the PUC
manual if your apparatus includes a PUC pump. Select the pumper manual for all other apparatus.