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12916-00 / 0522
3.1 Operating elements
The sensor has an on-button and two LEDs for indicating the
Bluetooth and battery charge status.
Press the on-button for more than 3 seconds to switch the
sensor on and off
Flashing red every 2 seconds
Not connected
Flashing green every 2 seconds
Connected to the ter-
minal device
Flashing green every 4 seconds
Running measurement
Battery charge LED
Flashing red every 5 seconds
Low battery
3.2 Measurement inputs
On the front side of the sensor there is a BNC connector to
which the supplied potassium ion-selective electrode (PK-2-
004) can be connected.
The device fulfils all of the technical requirements that are
compiled in current EC guidelines. The characteristics of this
product qualify it for the CE mark.
This instrument is only to be put into operation under special-
ist supervision in a controlled electromagnetic environment in
research, educational and training facilities (schools, universi-
ties, institutes and laboratories).
The individual connecting leads are each not to be longer
than 2 m.
The instrument can be so influenced by electrostatic charges
and other electromagnetic phenomena (HF, bursts, indirect
lightning discharges) that it no longer works within the given
specifications. Carry out the following measures to reduce or
eliminate the effect of such disturbance: Ensure potential
equalization at the PC (especially with Laptops). Use screen-
ing. When a total failure of the instrument occurs, unplug it
and plug it back in again for a reset.
This section describes the start-up of the sensor and the re-
cording of measurement data. Please read this section thor-
oughly in order to avoid failures or operating errors.
5.1 Start-up
Switch the sensor on by pressing the on-button for more than
3 seconds. The Bluetooth LED lights up red. Start the soft-
ware and select the sensor.
There is a 9-digit code
on the back of the sen-
sor (Fig.2). The last 4
digits of the code cor-
responds to the last
four digits of the sensor
name in the software
This allows an exact
sensors with the soft-
After the sensor has been selected in the software, the LED
flashes green to indicate a correct connection.
If the sensor is switched on and not connected, it switches off
automatically after 5 minutes.
Connect the supplied potassium electrode PK-2-004 to the
BNC connector of the sensor.
5.2 Preparation
Important: The indicated molar masses refer to sub-
stances in the anhydrous state!
Preparation of the activation solution:
1 M KCl (one molar potassium chloride solution), 2.5 M
(two and a half molar magnesium acetate solution)
and H
0 deionised are required as stock solutions.
The concentration of the activation solution should be 1 mM
KCl, 50 mM MgAc
. Due to the strong dilution of the electro-
lyte solution we recommend to prepare it in larger quantities.
For the preparation of 1 litre electrolyte solution you need:
979 ml H
0 deionised
1 ml 1 M KCl
20 ml 2.5 M MgAc
Remove the protective cap from the lower end of the elec-
trode. The electrode must be immersed in the activation solu-
tion for more than 2 hours before use. Make sure that the
lower part of the electrode does not rest on the bottom of the
container, this may damage the electrode.
Rinse the electrode in deionised water.
The electrode can be stored permanently in the activation
5.3 Calibration
Perform a 2-point calibration using measureAPP. Use 350
mg/l for the 1st measuring point and 3500 mg/l for the 2nd
measuring point. Use a magnetic stirrer with uniform stirring
speed for uniform mixing.
You need a strengthening solution to prepare the calibration
solution and to carry out measurements. For the preparation
of 1 litre of strengthening solution you need:
1000 ml H
0 deionised
186.38 g magnesium acetate