PHYWE Air Track Rail 11202.17 Operating Instructions Download Page 1


Air Track Rail

Air Track Rail, Basic Equipment



With its extremely low friction the set of equipment, Air

Track Rail 11202.77, is ideally suitable for investigating ki-

nematic and dynamic behaviour in straight line motion. The

main component in this system of equipment is the 2m long

Air Track Rail 11202.17 on which numerous experiments

can be carried out with the aid of the separate parts inclu-

ded with 11202.77. The relationship between displace-

ment, time, velocity and acceleration as well as the dynamic

coupling of these quantities can be determined in impres-

sive experiments.

Supplementary electronic measurement equipment (light

barriers, electronic timers, computer-aided measurement

acquisition systems) are needed for the time measurement.



The Air Track Rail Basic Equipment 11202.77 consists of

the following individual parts.


Air Track Rail 11202.17

The track is formed by a 2m long aluminium tube with

a square cross-sectional shape (63mm 


63mm). The

track is terminated at the end of the tube; the end face

at the start of the track has an opening (


= 40mm) for

connecting a Blower 13770.93 via the Pressure Tube

11205.01. The two gliding surfaces each have two rows

of holes which are displaced with respect to one ano-

ther; hole diameter 1mm, separation 20mm. An air cus-

hion is formed under the gliders which are positioned

on the track by the emitted compressed air, so that the

gliders can glide along the track with almost no friction.

For the measurement of the length the two gliding sur-

faces have two scales running in opposite directions

with mm divisions and cm figures.

Two knurled screws are fitted at the ends of the track,

enabling the track to be fitted to the end-holders inclu-

ded with 11202.77; they should be used in this position

provided the experimental objective does not require a

different arrangement.

The square tube rests on a U-section carrier rail which

is supported on the experiment bench with its feet in a

three-point arrangement; two adjustment screws pro-

vide the horizontal alignment of the track. The square

pipe and carrier rail are joined with seven screws which

have been used to adjust the track as supplied ex-

works (basic adjustment). Since the screws on the bot-

tom of the rail are accessible, a track which has been

thrown out of adjustment by improper handling can be

readjusted by the user, see 3.4. However, unless there

is a compelling reason, the screws should not be alte-



End-Holder for Air Track Rail 11202.15

(two included)

These are attached to the air track rail at the ends of the

track using the appropriate knurled screws.


If the mechanical starting system is used, consi-

sting of items 11202.13 and 11202.14 (not included in

11202.77), then the starting system is fastened to the

air track rail instead of an end-holder.


Glider 11202.02

(two included)

Roof-shaped, 130mm long, black anodised aluminium

profile section for placing on the track. A ridge strip with

five 4mm sockets enables screens and other plug-in

elements to be fitted.

The mass of the glider itself is approximately 170g; with

fitted screen, 


= 100mm and two plug-in elements the

mass increases to a total of about 200g. Scales are

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Operating Instructions
