LIFEPAK CR Plus/EXPRESS Defibrillator
General Warnings and Cautions
This section contains general warnings and cautions. Keep these warnings and
cautions in mind when working with the defibrillator. More specific warnings and
cautions appear throughout this service manual and the operating instructions.
Possible fire or explosion.
Do not use this device in the presence of
flammable gases or anesthetics. Use care when operating this device
close to oxygen sources (such as bag-valve-mask devices or ventilator
Shock or fire hazard.
Do not immerse any portion of this device in water or
other fluids. Avoid spilling any fluids on the device or accessories. If the
device is ever immersed in water or other fluids, remove the battery until
the unit can be serviced.
Patient hazard.
Do not mount the device directly above the patient. Place
the device in a location where it cannot harm the patient should it fall from
its shelf or other mount.
Shock or fire hazard.
Equipment or accessories improperly interconnected
to each other can be a source of ignition or cause a shock. Make sure that
all equipment is interconnected safely.
(Continued on next page)