Owner’s Manual — Phoenix Solution LGR
Performance Amplifier
Installation, Operation & Service Instructions
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The new Phoenix Solution LGR Performance Amplifier widens
the effective operating range of LGR dehumidifiers, increases
grain depression, and improves water removal rates up to 00
The Solution is a specially designed intercooler that pre-cools
the incoming air stream to the LGR dehumidifier. This pre-
cooling is the same process that provides LGR dehumidifiers
with their leap in performance over conventional dehumidifiers.
The Solution is designed to take advantage of outside,
unaffected or air conditioned air to provide significant water
removal in drying conditions up to 40°F. Therma-Stor testing
has revealed an increase in water removal rates and faster
drying times using the Solution by utilizing cold outside air.
The Solution improves the grain depression of the dehumidified
air. This increases the vapor pressure differential (the key to
evaporation) up to 33% and accelerates the drying process.
This improves drying times in all classes of water damage but is
particularly beneficial in specialty drying applications, such as
hardwood floors.
The Phoenix Solution
LGR Performance Amplifier
• Widens the temperature range for LGR performance
up to 40°F.
• Increases water removal rates up to 00%.
• Increases grain depression up to 33% for faster
drying of more materials.
• Removes BTUs from the affected areas.
• Achieves optimal drying conditions in structures
with insufficient or without air conditioning.
• Drives the grains/lb. in the drying area from the mid
30’s to the low 20’s.
• Enhances the performance of heat based systems
when outside grains/lb. or indoor temperatures are
high by allowing dehumidification.
Phoenix Solution
PN 4026600
Specifications subject to change without notice.
Revised 7/07
PO Box 8680 • Madison, WI 53708